Active Member
love your work SlowMover.... wx2watch has a mobile rig in a bag that he plugs into the cigarette lighter.... that ground looks great.... perhaps he can make something like that. as his unit doesn't seem to receive very well at all, and I'm sure not having the radio grounded to the cab is a huge factor..... and I'm sure he is getting interference from the cigarette lighter so what he hears is not as clear and clean as it should be.... how do you connect to the power SlowMover?The ability of the radio system featured is that stations 15-20/miles away will sound as good (albeit less loud).
The thread is worth your while. This is a great example of what today is best. The trainers truck ain’t too good versus what only a few of us can today experience (being ahead of the curve). My big trucks audio reception sounded this good at similar long range.
No SQ, and RFG maxed, remember.
A T680 is the best of the fleet trucks for a HQ antenna system. But wiring it up is a pain (the trade-off).
Here’s the choke-point “fun” on a 2017.
View attachment 172177
DXE mounts (plus CMC choke and braided ground to firewall not shown) under 7’ Skipshooter pair.
View attachment 172179
I tend to change gear around. Here’s my pre-NRC radio in travel case with most of the accessory gear (case cover removed; component grounds shown). It rides in passenger seat. A Connex was fine in 1989. Things have changed in last two years, though.
View attachment 172180
Not to divert thread any longer, but it’s doubtful more than a handful have heard this or the OP level of performance in a big truck without extensive work plus radios not available before 2023. Takes me two full days for the installation.
Just the radio is the big change. Now the rest of the systems must be upgraded.
The video highlights what it’s like for me in a big truck talking to another 6-7/miles away and the big trucks right around me can’t hear the other man at all.
1-2/miles won’t keep you out of trouble when a pile-up is occurring 5-miles ahead. Need to hear and ID location of wreck while it’s still happening to stay the hell out of trouble.
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