Active Member
well I guess you've got a great radio and a good antenna!! sad there is no one on AM in your area.... but I guess it's only going to get less and less...I got my dates wrong about Tucson doctor appointment, it was today. After I got on the I-10 heading west towards Tucson, I was able to get a radio check from a truck driver. I was glad I was finally able to get a radio check on channel 19. Other some chatter box out of Atlanta, the radio is pretty quiet up on the big road.
I saw a bunch of 18 wheelers in Florida a couple weeks ago as my friend drove me around sightseeing in Orlando... I was shocked to see so many 18 wheelers had a 3 foot FireStik's mounted on the door mirror.... figuring they must be running one on each mirror I started to pay more attention... nope they only had ONE 3 foot antenna on the mirror I must have seen 20 of them!..... so they are probably getting 3 to 4 miles out of it, if their lucky!!!!
if more and more people keep using 3 foot LIL WIL's and 3 foot FireStik's than the average range of CB will be 3 miles...... seems like everyone that buys a CB...... buys the cheapest CB they can...... this Uniden 505 is $40.15 on Amazon .... Uniden PRO 505XL ... if you're wondering how a $40 dollar CB recieves ,..... it receives like a $40 dollar CB!!!! ( you get what you pay for) Amazons top rated CB antenna PICK!!! if you look at the UNIDEN 505 link, Amazon has 7000 reviews on it!!!! in the reviews most uses say it dead keys at 2.5 watts ( strangely most are highly rated??) but 7000 reviews so they have sold 7000 of them that the owners gave reviews ... meaning they sold triple that amount that didn't bother to review it!!!!
with so few people on CB anymore... and with the people that do have a CB having the cheapest CB and CHEAPEST antenna you can buy.... the odds of you being within 3 miles of someone else that has a CB and the both of you are on the same channel. and you both have the squelch down low enough to hear the other fellow and you just happen to ask for a radio test while you're in his 3 mile range???? well the odds of getting a radio check nowadays is pretty unlikely.
years ago I saw a lot of Wilson 1000's or Tram 3500's and K-40's ....Midland made some center loaded 5 plus foot tall antenna's.... and I used to see a lot of Cobra center loaded antenna's on car trunks......10 years ago you used to see CB antenna's on cars and trucks here and there..... and they were all 5 plus feet tall ... many times I would see 102 whips ... you saw a lot of truckers with a center loaded Wilson 5000 or K-40 and other big long CB antenna's...... but now the Lil Wil and 3 foot firestik have taken over....
I still see a few CB antenna's on cars/pick-ups in my area..... a few Stryker SAR-10's a few Cobra HGA 1500... and a LOT of fiberglass whips..... and sadly a lot of LiL WiL's and K-30's
as more and more people buy these junk 3 mile antenna's and $40 CB's......more and more CB's will be put out at the yard sales .... I see the end of AM CB's.... the SSB is very popular now and I think even growing... but so many buying these $40 CB's that they will wind up for sale at yard sales soon.
so DavidBT you beat the odds for finding a radio check! congrats.