I have been looking at this and signed up to some of your departments. I have downloaded Tecker's files but could use a little help getting started. He is correct when he says "documentation is a bit rough at the moment (for folks just wanting to use them it's non-existent)." It looks to me like the Uploadfile goes first, and it points to the Push notifier. I'm not sure where "Twilio" fits in. If someone could come up with some sort of instructions it sure would help.
You can safely disregard the Twilio information to get started.
Just for a little explanation of how things work:
1. A tone set is detected and an mp3 recording made and stored in the /audio directory on your computer. The uploader portion of tecker's programs then uploads this mp3 file to an ftp server on the internet. You will need to have this server set up and ready to accept these ftp transfers before it will work. The login information to the ftp server is what goes in the .json file associated with the uploader.
2. After a tone set is detected and the mp3 file is uploaded to the server, the push notification script runs. This instructs PushOver to send a notification to the subscribers in a delivery group. The payload attached to this push is the link to the mp3 file on the server. The push then gets delivered to the subscribers. The alert appears on their device. Tap on the alert and it automatically plays the audio file from the server. Or if they have automatically load supplemental url turned off in settings, they click on the url to play the audio.
Andy's Ftpuploader packaged with v69 does the same thing as far as uploading the audio file to the server. You may want to look through his instructions on
TwoToneDetect for some understanding.
His last paragraphs about sending the link as an SMS basically also accomplishes the same thing as using a push notification except the link to the server file is delivered as a SMS text message rather than a push notification. That option should work well for those (Bell Mobility Canada) experiencing deliver problems with MMS messages.
The trickiest part may be setting up the ftp server if you are unfamiliar with that and figuring out what the publicly accessible file link is to use as your payload/message
I also sent you a Private Meassage so check them.