Look at your console. Is it #blueknob or @blueknob?
Sent from my Galaxy S7
Here is one that did NOT work, even though this channel tag does exist and it has uploaded to it SEVERAL other times.
Bald Eagle Station 36 Tone Set Found
after record
delay timer Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:17 on 01/13/18
1183.0 15398.9101078
1183.0 2400.83071763
1183.0 2628.34086045
1183.0 2381.33779772
1183.0 2394.977482
1183.0 2485.16541959
1183.0 1739.51503995
1183.0 1754.88496127
1183.0 1737.91364328
1183.0 1703.09844662
1183.0 1762.82963281
1183.0 1697.00970833
1183.0 1715.99163336
delay done Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:20 on 01/13/18
waiting for audio Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:20 on 01/13/18
threshold value: 1448.15468787
threshold exceeded
recording audio Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:21 on 01/13/18
iterations: 200
747.0 11066.528112
1199.0 14030.4418492
1199.0 14160.2717434
1919.0 1067.83879319
1376.0 9309.77428892
1957.0 2565.56632049
1656.0 12052.532629
1844.0 11003.6993593
1468.0 11350.3075089
1532.0 16265.6463509
1215.0 12593.4267383
618.0 11906.4775168
1693.0 7431.13601448
2285.0 4330.869748
1435.0 11910.63802
1575.0 9810.90539395
2000.0 10287.7302132
1468.0 5018.08765174
570.0 2724.62774324
1097.0 7347.25433531
1581.0 952.090499664
1548.0 8499.82352904
1715.0 9010.41274811
1892.0 1727.23733139
1667.0 1426.90332058
1295.0 9647.77634799
Waiting for Silence Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:40 on 01/13/18
Done recording Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:43 on 01/13/18
done writing WAV Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:43 on 01/13/18
done converting to MP3 Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:44 on 01/13/18
done converting to AMR Bald Eagle Station 36 19:56:44 on 01/13/18
setting mail server up
set up mail server
starting TLS
done starting TLS
logging in
logged in
MP3 Group Email sent to
trigger@applet.ifttt.com via smtp.gmail.com on port 587 using STARTTLS Bald Eagle Station 36 Page Received at 19:56:17 on 01/13/18 19:56:47 on 01/13/18
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "TTD70.py", line 240, in pushbulletsendfile
File "site-packages\pushbullet\pushbullet.py", line 206, in get_channel
PushbulletError: No channel found with channel_tag "baldeagle"
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk