I wounder it will have the wonderful TX audio output of the VX-7R? 
I didn't think the VX-3R was that bad, considering the size, stock antenna, and whatnot.Cowthief said:Hello.
I just hope that the AM/FM side is not like the VX-3R, an FM side that does nothing more, and does that poorly.
I'd rather my older IC-T81A than the 92AD. Quad bands, (6M - 2M - 70cm, all at 5W, and 1.2Ghz at 1W) right from the factory, and with a single, simple mod, FIVE bands (adds 222Mhz at 1W).trixwagen said:I thought the Icom IC-92AD was the new king of the HT hill.
Cowthief said:Hello.
I am looking at this with excitement.
Bluetooth and APRS, as well as GPS?, all in a water resistant package!?
I am not sure about the extended frequency range, the VX-7R already does 100 kHz to 999.99+ mHz on receive, and, can do FM broadcast and Amateur at the same time, so, what is there to add?
Will I get one? what do you think?
I just hope that the AM/FM side is not like the VX-3R, an FM side that does nothing more, and does that poorly.
And, yes, a VX-9R, with P-25, sounds good to me.
scanernutt said:Getting back to the OP!
This new VX8R looks like its built for war like a tank! It certainly looks and sounds interesting enough. I am a bit concerned however with it being submersible. This means that they sealed it up tight like the VX7R. This may be a problem because the the VX7 had an overheating issue. Because no air could get in, none could get out as in heat. This tended to distort the audio after a little bit of use. I had 2 of them and both did that. I had friends who also experienced this in both older and newer versions. The fix was simple,pop out the battery and then pop it back in. But who wants to keep doing that? That ususaly did it! It was just a pain in the rear. Its suppossed to be thinner than the VX7R? HMMM! I cant wait to see one!
As you can see I edited your language. I realize that English is not your native language; however, why is it you think that adding vulgar language helps your point.stickair said:Scanernutt, I read ur post about the Yaesu VX-8R, 'n also 'ur comment about the D-STAR. 'U're very wrong. coz this comment, I think 'u don't know nothing about D-STAR 'n digital systems, it's not?
D-STAR's a digital system (universal protocol) started by Icom. This brand have a lot of features in his amateur equipment coz Icom's not created to make HAM radio equipment, so to make militar 'n professional radio equipment.
Yaesu's more of amateur 'n not as much of professional. I think the function that's left on Yaesu amateur equipment's Wires. Yaesu may take D-STAR.
But the D-STAR's not a ****. We have a lot of **** without keepin' the squelch, by the analogic system. Usin' digital modulation all that ****'s ignored coz the atmosferic sounds are analog. If the station doesn't copy sinus forms, it doesn't copy the left sound.
If 'u don't understand me, don't warry, I have a link that explains all of this.
Please, if 'u have some troubles to understand my english, say't to me.
Thanks 'n see 'u.
This may be OT, but since we're talking about Yaesu and D-STAR:loumaag said:ICOM is the (as far as I know) the only manufacturer to make D-STAR equipment.
Good for them! Now if we could just convince the ham community in the US to quit buying it, it would go away here.eorange said:This may be OT, but since we're talking about Yaesu and D-STAR:
I attended the Yaesu open house earlier this year at AES Cleveland. I asked a Yaesu VP there about D-STAR, and he made it very clear that Yaesu will NOT enter the D-STAR market. FWIW.
Scannernutt, 'u say 'u don't need it. But, 'u know how much km, or mi would 'u lenghtend with the digital.scanernutt said:Stickair!
I dont know what your point is/was regarding the Dstar comment I made but here is the bottom line. I dont need it. Icom made the new IC92 without any choice of wether you want Dstar or not. I dont know about you, but $579.99 for a portable radio is ridiculous. With the IC-91A you pay $299 for the radio and $399 for adding Dstar if you want it. Thats fair. Choice. I am willing to bet that the IC91 will soon disappear and all you will have left is the 92 with that outrageous price.
Digital is digital. Usable range/distance would be the same based on same location, power, ERP, etc.scanernutt said:...The other thing, isnt the same true for Dstar as it is for APCO25 digital in the sense of range limitations? IE...Your useable range/distance is limited because its a digital format?
Let us know how that goes.....I'll buy a Yaesu VX-8R, 'n I'll put it in the Icom UT-118.