NEW: Yaesu VX-8R

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Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth

I was just checking the link that the OP put up from Universal Radio and I found what I believe is an updated or better picture of the VX-8R.

They took the volume and put it on the left side of the radio along with 3 other buttons of the same type. This means that the squelch is a sub function somewhere. So far, Im not liking this set up. I am willing to wait for an up close feel to make up my mind completely though!



May 19, 2004
Perry, N.Y. FNØ2xr
That picture is from the rough copy of the manual submitted to the FCC:'K6620295X20'
I am glad to see the function key back on the side..
Press and hold the volume key and turn the main dial to adjust..
Sounds like a two handed operation now, unless the key is sticky.
Just like the 6R, press the function key and the moni key to activate the squelch.


Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
Ok Guess I was wrong!
Either way, I am not liking what I see so far. I like at least one of my two most used items to be an actual knob. (Volume,Squelch). What then are they going to make you do to change the squelch then? Secondary Subfunction? Take a look at what you have to do just to adjust the squelch:

Squelch Adjustment
The VX-8R’s Squelch system allows you to mute the background noise when no signal is
being received. Not only does the Squelch system make “standby” operation more pleasant,
it also significantly reduces battery current consumption.
The Squelch system may be adjusted independently for the FM and Wide-FM (FM
Broadcast) modes.
1. Press the [F/W] key, then press the [MONI/T-CALL] key on the left side of the radio.
This provides a “Short-cut” to Menu Item 96: SQL LEVEL.
2. Now, rotate the DIAL knob to set the background noise is just silenced (typically at a
setting of about “3” or “4” on the scale); this is point of maximum sensitivity to weak
3. When you are satisfied with the Squelch threshold setting, press the PTT key
momentarily to save the new setting and exit to normal operation.
4. You may also adjust the Squelch setting by using the “Set” (Menu) mode. See page???

All that for just a simple adjustment of the squelch? Not......

for details.
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May 7, 2008
Fort Worth, Republic of Texas
Ok Guess I was wrong!
Either way, I am not liking what I see so far. I like at least one of my two most used items to be an actual knob. (Volume,Squelch). What then are they going to make you do to change the squelch then? Secondary Subfunction? Take a look at what you have to do just to adjust the squelch:

Squelch Adjustment
The VX-8R’s Squelch system allows you to mute the background noise when no signal is
being received. Not only does the Squelch system make “standby” operation more pleasant,
it also significantly reduces battery current consumption.
The Squelch system may be adjusted independently for the FM and Wide-FM (FM
Broadcast) modes.
1. Press the [F/W] key, then press the [MONI/T-CALL] key on the left side of the radio.
This provides a “Short-cut” to Menu Item 96: SQL LEVEL.
2. Now, rotate the DIAL knob to set the background noise is just silenced (typically at a
setting of about “3” or “4” on the scale); this is point of maximum sensitivity to weak
3. When you are satisfied with the Squelch threshold setting, press the PTT key
momentarily to save the new setting and exit to normal operation.
4. You may also adjust the Squelch setting by using the “Set” (Menu) mode. See page???

All that for just a simple adjustment of the squelch? Not......

for details.

Just takes the hit of 2 buttons.

Hit F and then Moni.. bam, set squelch and done. The VX-7R is the same way.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Gee, all this about a control that should be a "set it and forget it". This is not a CB radio, you shouldn't be adjusting the squelch all the time; IMHO, making it hard to change can save you a lot of trouble (keeps you from accidentally putting it so high, you hear nothing).


Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
Dwarf Radios!

I respectfuly disagree with you. If you live in a perfect RF world then maybe. However, when you travel trrough areas that are pure RF hell that all changes. If you use the radio for just Ham stuff then fine. I listen to pretty much everything. Here in Newhaven,Fairfield, Counties we have a lot of paging, cellular, FM broadcast interference. If you stand in a corner and dont move, then maybe you just set the squelch and forget it. However, when you mix in, Ham,Police,Fire,Ems, Aircraft,Marine and Private companies all in a heavy RF area, you are going to need to re-adjust your squelch as you get interference while you are moving. Im not talking every 2 minutes or so. Im saying as it happens. My biggest gripe is subfunctioning everything. This radio has buttons that do 3 functions. Why? Because they have this idea that smaller and smaller and smaller is better. Where is this coming from? where does it stop? What is wrong with a radio the size of the VX-7R? FT-60? They are not Monsters and yet still very rugged, solid performers and feel good in your hands. The ft 60 has both volume and squelch as well as the VFO type knob right on top. No nonsense menus. On the fly adjustments. Wether you adjust something once or 100 times.
Its a game of how small can we go? The other thing is that these little dwarf people radios are not made for someone like myself to use. Im 6"1 330 LBS large frame hands. Im not very comfy with little radios made for dwarfs......Oh, well, enough complaining!

No insults meant to little dwarfs, please take notice!

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Jun 20, 2005
Travelers Rest, SC
I can understand your frustration because a lot of VHF amateur repeaters don't use code squelch on the transmit. Most UHF amatuer repeaters do use transmit coded squelch and around here one does need it. It keeps your WT from making a lot of noise around cash registers, computers, etc. Most public safety radios today don't have a squelch knob (everything PL) and some don't have a channel selector. This might be okay for police who normally don't change channels, but for EMS/Rescue/Fire, you might be switching from dispatch channel to tactical, then back to dispatch, then to someone elses tactical, so it does matter. Eventually, the radio commands will be voice actuated, "Scarlett1, please squelch up two digits." Probably for the VXR-9.



Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
I can understand your frustration because a lot of VHF amateur repeaters don't use code squelch on the transmit. Most UHF amatuer repeaters do use transmit coded squelch and around here one does need it. It keeps your WT from making a lot of noise around cash registers, computers, etc. Most public safety radios today don't have a squelch knob (everything PL) and some don't have a channel selector. This might be okay for police who normally don't change channels, but for EMS/Rescue/Fire, you might be switching from dispatch channel to tactical, then back to dispatch, then to someone elses tactical, so it does matter. Eventually, the radio commands will be voice actuated, "Scarlett1, please squelch up two digits." Probably for the VXR-9.Bob
This is why Yaesu added the RF squelch to most all of their new radios in the last 6+ years. You can set your regular squelch lower, and the RF squelch to where it won't open on spurious transmissions. I live in a rf rich vhf environment and wouldn't have a radio without it!


Aug 4, 2008
Yaesu VXR

Hello all

Maybe you can help me sleep better at night. About 3 weeks ago, I over heard my neighbor's car as he was backing out of the driveway and the radio was playing a beeping noise over and over again. I asked him what is that he is listening to on his radio. He stated it was morse code. I asked him do people still listen to morse code? He said yes and he is studyinig for an exam to upgrade his license so he may use this new revolutionary radio that will be for sale shortly. Huh?

That evening when he arrived back from work, he stated that he found out that he may be able to take the General exam to upgrade his license without the morse code. Ahh...peace and quiet I thought.

The very next week, he came home and told me he passed the General exam with a perfect score! Good for you kid. At least my neighnor isn't tearing up the neighborhood.

Two weeks later, my neighbor again comes yelling to me that he passed the Amateur Extra exam with a perfect score! What? It must be some kind of easy test like the General exam. Good for you kid, just don't tear up the neighborhood.

So in three weeks my neighbor has perfect score on both the Amateur General exam and the Amateur Extra exam. My first question to you folks, is he going to tear up the nighborhood building some huge antenna and causing a lot trouble with this Yaesu VXR thing? My second question, can he get a good job somewhere and make some money and do some good instead of horsing around and interfeering with my reception on my radio and television sets? Finally, how difficult are these exams for my neighbor to score perfect scores on both the General and Extra exams?

I like my neighbor and I want him to succeed. He is a smart kid although maybe there are others out there that can help him harness his energy and intelligence and do more that horse around the neighborhood. All of this started because the Yeasu VXR has yet to be released. I am afraid that my neighbor may go out and learn how to make something more dangerous if this Yeasu radio doesn't come out soon.

What's your opinion? I would like you to help me help him.

Thank you all for reading and for your help in advance.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
First, you only need a Technician license to operate on this tri-band radio(VX8R). Second, he may just want to get on HF to talk around the world. Then you gots problems:))


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
Is it just me, or does this HT remind you of the very first HTs with keypads (if you disregard the small size and the large LCD)?


Jun 2, 2008
I cannot get in the website of the FCC. It doesn't replies me!
Is anything happening?

Have we got date of launch here in Europe?
Was the VX8 launched yet in USA?

I'm not refreshed, I'm hot B-)


Jul 13, 2007
New London (Outagamie Co. WI) & Readfield (waupa
It looks to me that there are rubber bumpers :confused:?

My VX7R is just right in size. VX7R 220MHZ for me seems to have a 10 mile range. I program them and into my scanner as well just in case. Althought I have never heard anyone talk on them not once. So output power I could care less I guess. As far as 6 meters I can't get a single repeater rx or tx. I programed one from the next county just in case someone uses it but have never heard a single thing not even a morse IDer. However a lot of locals started a 6 meter simplex net that I listened to for a while. Otherwise that was almost worthless. I mostly got this radio for just in case or traveling I guess. I do like how VX8R holds 3AA's instead of 2AA's, but It's always been my Idea that I would just get a 2nd LI-ION battery pack anyways so I could use full power.
jdhsgjghsdghdshguhgfriogrhgohdlghldngfvonreiocmouinvdnvgfuosadugvnas ohh look...


Jun 2, 2008
Yeah, I'm sure won't make public any information about the new "toy".
Yaesu's interest is have been sold every VX7R and get it out of sell.
Then, people will buy more VX8R coz the VX7R won't be there.
Ooooopz!! Have we buy all the VX7R around us? lol!!



Jun 2, 2008
Has anybody bought the new toy?
Have we got some date of launch here in Europe? I'm impatient! But I don't really know if I'll boy the VX8 r the VX7 ...coz the post of... I think's scannernutt, or jon_k; I want a tough walkie, not a really great walkie with lot of functions in and the handeclandemore of the market with a **** of chassis!!
Does anybody know anything?
Thanks n greetings.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
Has anyone actually seen the specifications on this radio yet? A lot of speculation has taken place in this thread.
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