Considering getting a NMO2/70B but I like the clean lines of NMOQB and I like black VS stainless if I'm being honest

Would anyone consider NMOQB I realize it's a bit more generalize in the bands 136-512 VS more targeted band on the NMO2/70B
The NMOQWB is a quarter wave antenna, so you'd tune it for the frequency you'd want, in your case, center of the 2 meter band.
It will act as a 3/4 wave on the 70cm band, so it is an option if you have a dual band radio. I ran a VHF 1/4 wave on a Kenwood TM-D710 for many years.
Quarter wave antennas are quite broad banded, so it'll work well across the entire VHF spectrum and using the 3/4 wave UHF properties, quite well on UHF.
I ran one on my truck for a long time, and was quite happy with it. Only reason I don't have it on there right now is because I'm trying out some EM Wave antennas.
Here's a sweep of a 1/4 wave VHF antenna, looking at 136MHz all the way to 500MHz. You can see the dip at the VHF band, and another dip on the UHF band. Radiation pattern gets a bit less than ideal on UHF when using a VHF quarter wave, but it worked fine for me here surrounded by hills/mountains.
Here's a close up of just the UHF band:
Pretty good SWR on the 70cm and GMRS bands.
Here's the VHF sweep of the Larsen NMOQWB. This one was tuned around 156MHz since it's on my work truck, but you can see it stays well below 2:1 SWR across the VHF spectrum