I have a tree that overhangs the street on my main path out of town and my Larsen NMO2/70B has probably hit it hundreds of times with no problems. I've scraped under many other trees and have seen leaves sheared off by the whip and coil in my rear view mirror but no damage.
I should mention this is my first mobile install so this is for sure a uphill learning experience right now, I originally was going to use a comet ant but it has an epic large coil right in the middle of the ant, I want this in a rig that goes off-road so coil loops mid ant height I fear will just be damaged by trees. Larsen seems to be well liked and bullet proof options. So I'm torn between the NMO2/70B much smaller coil trun at the top and the NMOQWB
The TH-D710GA is actually the radio I want to use in my rig, I should have mentioned that. APRS will more then likely be running as well.
When you said NMOQWB I assume your referring to NMOQB I'm not finding any listing in the Larsen for NMOQWB.
Appreciate the help