Completely Banned for the Greater Good
This just in - a reminder that this post is a joke. The bubble is not leaving.
BoxAlarm187 said:NJay, check out www.elightbars.org for an entire website dedicated to light discusssions!
rcvmo said:"SAVE THE BUBBLE!!!!!!!!!!!"
"SAVE THE BUBBLE!!!!!!!!!!!"
"SAVE THE BUBBLE!!!!!!!!!!!"
"SAVE THE BUBBLE!!!!!!!!!!!"
"SAVE THE BUBBLE!!!!!!!!!!!"
get the hint?
Dubbin said:They need to get rid of that stupid bubble and the sign on the hood. While their at it they need to find a better looking paint scheme.
Jimmy252 said:I do agree that the stupid sign on the hood should go. Whats its purpose???? ive never seen them use it.
SEMTTP said:Obviously both of you need to go read up on the TRADITIONS of the Michigan State Police. 3 things have been the same since its existance:
1) The bubble light-I am not sure where the info came from but I dont see them ever going to anything else unless UNITY decides not to make it anymore
2) The blue paint scheme is not going anywhere either.
3) The sign on the hood is a tradition, and it will not go anywhere either. If you go back and read up on the history, you will know why it was there and what it was used for, it is left on there because of their tradition.
Dubbin said:Why don't you tell us the story on the sign?
Dubbin said:Its a freaking police car, who really cares about traditions when it comes to safety...
gg750 said:The MSP care about their tradations, as well as *most* Michigan residents...thats who.
N_Jay said:I bet the residents don't care.
gg750 said:I think that if one randomly sampled people and asked if they'd rather see the MSP abandon all their traditions and change their paint scheme and light configuration to look like every other police car in the U.S., or keep it the way it is, I'm sure most people would prefer to keep it as is. The blue paint, bubble light and hood sign distinguish their cars from ever other cop car on the road and give Michigan a uniqueness among a mass of the same thing. True, most people probably don't give such matters a second thought, but faced with the question and the possibility of having another group of plain white cars out there, I'll bet there'd be a majority of "I like it the way it is" responses.
N_Jay said:What a great example of getting the answer you want by the way you ask the question.
What about the question; "Do you think MSP should buy custom equipment for the sole purpose of maintaining traditions, or adopt the standards that are used across the country?"
Now what is the answer from your randomly sampled people?
gg750 said:Ok, this is getting to confrontational. Have fun with this thread all, I'm outta here.