Either way, his night didn't end well at the Fairfax County Detention Center...
Guess it ended better than dying in a crash :}
Either way, his night didn't end well at the Fairfax County Detention Center...
Because this was a topic of curiosity for 1748's last chase, today he took the suspect in the pursuit that started in Fairfax Co but who was apprehended in Prince William Co to Fairfax Co.VSP pursuit, 495 to southbound I-95. Older Volvo with a WV temp tag. Speed about 120.
1905- SB Rt1
1908- Bailout at Prince William Plaza
1910- Driver in custody, still looking for others
1912- Fairfax2 almost on-scene, heading too far south.
VSP is also assisting, Trooper K9 1786 is tracking. Fairfax 2 first said they were given "Dulles TA 2" as the channel, which they couldn't get. Are you aware of a "TA 2" (talk around?) or did they mean Dulles Tac 2 (which is encrypted and would explain why couldn't access that channel)?Loudoun is currently working a critical missing teen event in the Ashburn area. Day shift kept on to search. Drones in use and Fairfax2 arrived recently.
16 y/o Asian male, 5'5" 125lb, wearing dark blue or black hoodie, eye glasses.
VSP is also assisting, Trooper K9 1786 is tracking. Fairfax 2 first said they were given "Dulles TA 2" as the channel, which they couldn't get. Are you aware of a "TA 2" (talk around?) or did they mean Dulles Tac 2 (which is encrypted and would explain why couldn't access that channel)?
Also, are you aware of "K9-46?" Is that an LCSO unit? I thought the 327xxxx RIDs were VSP?
"T2" is actually how the Tac 2s are listed on their radios, but maybe that was lost in translation between the LCSO Sgt, ECC, DPSC, and the hanger. Of note, it's also listed as not encrypted so maybe that was their issue?They were talking about Tac 2, TA 2 might be how it's tagged in the Fairfax radio. I heard that too, ENC not so good when it comes to interop.
K9-46 isn't LCSO. I believe LCSO has less than 10 units.
Fairfax 2 Helo did a great job of coordinating an earlier pursuit around 2030 Thursday evening. The relatively high speed pursuit included an PIT maneuver and at least one K-9 unit. This incident shows how professionally (Fairfax 1) VSP operates. I have audio from that chase and it is worthy of a second listen. There is a particular FFX1 Dispatcher that is a super professional at her job.VSP's nightly pursuit of a Charger is occurring currently. Fairfax helo is following overhead. They've been on/around 495 and mixing bowl area. I think there were several other pursuits earlier in the night. Heard the helo helping out and nabbing someone, then a brief motorcycle pursuit and possibly some others.
0316- Exited 395 to Glebe, straight across, then bailed out. VSP has the driver and one passenger, may be one other that ran.
0335- VIN comes back as stolen.
Yes, Fairfax 2 was able to simulcast across VSP channels (FRFX 1 and 2 patched) and FCPD channel 7. Helpful to get info quickly to officers from both agencies.Fairfax 2 Helo did a great job of coordinating an earlier pursuit around 2030 Thursday evening. The relatively high speed pursuit included an PIT maneuver and at least one K-9 unit. This incident shows how professionally (Fairfax 1) VSP operates. I have audio from that chase and it is worthy of a second listen. There is a particular FFX1 Dispatcher that is a super professional at her job.