Receive list DMR
On my Moto gear receive groups are selected at the individual personality whereas on my nx5300 I seem to have to commit entire system to the same receive list. Is this correct or am I missing something? Normally I put all of a single repeater site talkgroups in a single system with separate personalities for each GID. A few of those personalities may have a receive group associated with it but not the same receive group for all. Most personalities have only 1 GID. The work around would be a single site in a single zone spanning multiple systems which seems awkward and hard to manage.
On my Moto gear receive groups are selected at the individual personality whereas on my nx5300 I seem to have to commit entire system to the same receive list. Is this correct or am I missing something? Normally I put all of a single repeater site talkgroups in a single system with separate personalities for each GID. A few of those personalities may have a receive group associated with it but not the same receive group for all. Most personalities have only 1 GID. The work around would be a single site in a single zone spanning multiple systems which seems awkward and hard to manage.