I'm getting a decent signal a couple of miles north of the Oak Lawn area, using my RS 800 MHz antenna. Also getting a NAC of 14B...
For those who may not know OLCD Site 1-030 is located at Christ hospital based on RR info.
I am completely lost. I listen to the scanner either via an app on my phone or directly from broadcastify and while there were issues earlier this year with Net 6 (for the Oak Lawn area police scanner) now they are having issues again and I've read all these posts and I'm completely confused ... So please tell me will we need to get REGULAR SCANNER RADIOS to now listen if they are on Starcom or are there apps that play that ? Just totally confused ....
Monitored another P25 Phase 2 transmission on TGID 36968 (Site 1-030).
I haven't heard any traffic on site 1-30 yet, only on 1-02, but I am physically closer to M1 in Alsip than I am to Christ.
Is 1-30 traffic phase 2? My scanner is only phase 1 capable...
For now OLCD dispatching on TGID 36961 site 1-030 is phase 1 but it looks like other channels are using or testing out phase 2. im sure eventually all channels will switch to phase 2. for now your phase 1 scanner will work. I would consider saving for a phase 2 capable scanner since channels can go to phase 2 at any time. one of my digital scanners (PRO668) receives the new site (1-030) very well.
Testing on TG 3 with RID's 6 & 650002. Phase 1,2 in the clear and secure mode.
Testing on TG 3 with RID's 6 & 650002. Phase 1,2 in the clear and secure mode.
Ran an Analyze event on Site 1-030 this morning and noticed no Site or System ID being transmitted just the NAC (14B). Is this because it's linked to Site 1-002? I am receiving OLREC traffic during Site Hold.
ID Search mode checked, no other Starcom traffic heard.
Testing on TG 3 with RID's 6 & 650002. Phase 1,2 in the clear and secure mode.
FWIW, RID 650002 appears to be Tazewell County from previous reports.