Hearing some field testing this morning in the Oak Lawn area on Site 1-02. Talk groups being used so far, 36961 (Channel 1), 36962 (Channel 2), 36963 (Channel 3). The channel ID's were from the users but unknown who the actual users will be at this time. Radio ID's so far are in the 1782xx series. Based upon the conversations, it appears these are Oak Lawn PD units who probably were given Starcom radios to test. Heard mention of "322 to 311"...etc.
It's been previously reported that Talk Group 36964 was used and identified as (Channel 4). Those not familiar with Oak Lawn Central, they dispatch police for Oak Lawn, Evergreen Park, Bridgeview and Burbank. They dispatch for numerous fire departments in the Division 21 MABAS area. I don't know if Fire Departments will be switching to Starcom or their VHF 155.5575 will have a patch to Starcom. All channels mentioned are in the clear.
In addition to these talk groups, Oak Lawn units were heard testing on District 15-South and District-Chicago Priority/ISPERN patch.
Unknown if other departments on Net-6 (470.4625) or Net-10 (470.5875) will be switching?