Problem Solved: Orange County Fire Rescue Talkgroups Suddenly Silent
When OFD migrated to the Orange County System earlier this week, I immediately reprogrammed both my Uniden BCD436HP and BCD536HP scanners. During the process, I elected to clear the memory of both scanners before programming.
After many hours of troubleshooting why I could not hear OCFRD fireground talkgroups Fire 2-Fire 8, only Fire 1 Dispatch, since OFD joined the network about Tuesday of this last week, I solved the problem by doing the following:
1. Uniden Sentinel Software for the BCDx36HP scanners lists all 28 frequencies of the Orange County, Florida P25 Simulcast System as Simulcast site frequencies. I elected to remove all of the frequencies, except for those used as primary and secondary control channels as listed on the Radio Reference database.
2. After reprogramming, I noticed after looking thru the Sentinel software, right after I downloaded the Orange County System from RadioReference, that a box (which was pre-programmed) was unchecked, indicating 'Fire-Tac' which in fact Fire 2-8 are.
So, the question remains, when I ran a Trunking Discovery of the Orange County P25 system, using both the UNIDEN BCD436HP and BCD536HP scanners, why did Trunking Discovery show most of the talkgroups on the Simulcast site, over a 24 period of time, but not OCFRD Fire 2-8 which normally stay active? They were in fact active when comparing them to the RadioReference OCFRD feed in real-time.
Can removing all of the frequencies and leaving just the known primary and control channels make the difference between hearing Fire 1-8 as opposed to Fire 1 Dispatch?
While this was a frustrating problem and one of the harder for me to troubleshoot, being that I have been programming trunked scanners since the first UNIDEN BC235XLT, I always rely on what is factual information such as FCC Databases for frequencies and talkgroups found by trunking analysis programs like PRO96 and Uniden's Trunking Discovery and listen to them first, for verification, before relying on RadioReference information as gospel.
As more and more scanners come 'out of the box pre-programmed', it is still very important to have knowledge of programming, to make sure you are able to hear everything your scanner can monitor regarding comms you are most interested in listening to.
I hope this post helps those with the new UNIDEN BCD436HP/BCD536HP radios, as they are probably experiencing the same problems I just did. This may also relate to why the OCFRD Feed numbers on RadioReference are triple that of normal listeners on a Sunday night, with no major events occurring in the County.
A special thank you to Reese who hosts the Orange County Fire Feed on RadioReference as well as Dave KD4OLC and Joe Cardani for patiently helping me work thru and troubleshoot this problem throughout the weekend.
My New UNIDEN BCD436HP & BCD536HP scanners are sounding EXCELLENT on the Orange County Simulcast System, especially with the addition of the new OFD talkgroups.
All My Best,