Official BCD996T Prerelease Thread

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Jan 9, 2004
What is the BAR ANTENNA option (line 393) in the UASD configuration of the 996T?

Does that relate to a hardware feature found only in the 330T?


Jan 9, 2004
996 UASD verses 396 UASD verses Win96

UPMan said:
Correct, it is there for compatibility purposes.

Well compatibly is what you seem to have in these UASD files. I have been playing with 996T UASD and it seems to be compatible with most older UASD files I have downloaded from the Internet. After opening them in 996 they are different when saved adding more data unique to the 996 but they appear to be backwards compatible with 396T when reloading them in 396 UASD.


I had set Excel to be the default program for opening USD extensions but I have changed that to NOTEPAD. USD files open faster in NOTEPAD and I don't have to fight with EXCEL not to change the file after I had manipulated the data in EXCEL. NOTEPAD allows you to make changes and there are no extra steps to keep it readable to UASD software.

ERROR 16 - Invalid database string

A number of USD files refuse to open in UASD with the above error. Using NOTEPAD I have compared those files to similar ones that do open. It appears to be the line that defines the system or the first line after the remarks inserted by 386 UASD when a file is save using that software.

BAD HEADER... said:
// UASD 11/30/2004 11:22:25 PM

SystemCT,M81S,"Dekalb County",5,5,UNLOCKED,OFF,2,,Enabled


GOOD HEADER... said:
SystemCT,M81S,"DeKalb County",.,5,LOCKOUT,OFF,1,OFF,1,0,AUTO,8,None,OFF,"DeKalb County",OFF

SystemT,SCAN,Enabled,Enabled,DECIMAL,ON,ON,AUTO, .

You can 'repair' the USD file header in NOTEPAD to match the second entry and it will then open in UASD 996.

See if you can figure out what the difference is? The second file has more data in it but it seems to open in the old 396 without any problem.

Also I have found that I can select data in the 996 UASD system edit view and drop it into Don Stars Win96 and get the alpha tag and channel data but not the CTS to transfer with a paste. I can do that for a whole block of text at once filing in several lines of Win96. I haven't tried this using 396 yet. I like the 996 editor much more as it seem to be more polished than the 396 UASD one.
I do not like the clunky SAVE AS dialog in either version which doesn't use the standard windows interface.

Over all I like the 996T UASD software far better than Win96. The view is more colorful, easier to read, and you can easily cut and paste between EXCEL and 996T UASD.

This is important because though there is an import feature in Win96 to suck data in from RR.COM I find it leaves a lot of ugly alpha text tags that mean nothing unless edited. Since I use EXCEL for to edit that Win96 data anyway it makes more sense to just paste data from using PASTE SPECIAL > TEXT directly into EXCEL.

That said I wish others would exercise more care in creating meaniful text tags. There is nothing written in stone that they must be the lame ones sometimes found on or other sources. Create a tag that means something a month or two later when all you have is the scanenr and a rare channel becomes active. Please use your unique imagination to create a text tag that instantly means something to someone else. Remember group and system tags also convey information and IMHO it is undesirable to repeat a GROUP tag again when creating a channel tag.

Another reason why I like the 996T USD files is probably related to the memory arragement now used by Uniden. It simply makes more sense and it is easier to visualize what you are trying to accomplish. I like the modular nature of the data files which are even easier to work with than V-Folder files on the GRE scanners. You have to have tried both programing systems to appreciate this.

Another nice thing about UASD is that it generates human readable text files that make sense. Proprietary software like Win96 does not. To read the file you need to open it in Win96.

All told I may buy a new Uniden scanner just because they appear far simpler to program the way I want to organize data.

I haven't played with 396 UASD all that much but it seems to be harder to use for some reason. If others find that they can edit their 396T files and 330T files in 996T software after it is finished I would suggest an immediate switch to make life simpler. My tests seem to indicate that this probably will work but since I don't have a 396 scanner to write the files to so I am not one hundred percent certain.

I have spotted possible errors in the GPS data as viewed in NOTEPAD. Some files I have seen end in E instead of W. I am not sure what that is all about since the default location is 00000 anyway?

Which reminds me of a question for UPMan

What happens to the 996 when the data stream from the GPS is interrupted?
I don't bother with an external antenna and in the mountains I may lose the satelites for a couple of minutes. This happens around Mount Eagle Tennessee on the east side going up the mountain when west bound. There are other odd locations when the Garmin may fail for a minute or two. Will the 996 barf on that interuption and need to be reset?
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In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Whew, great post! Below is somewhat "stream of conciousness reply" but I hope it tracks...

First off, keep in mind that the UASD you have is pre-release and not the latest (we've had an average of one update every 1.5 days in the past week). As such, you are likely to find some quirks. You probably do already, but I'll just re-emphasize the need to make backups of everything and play with the backups. I'll send you a link for a new version if you'll email me off-line (

As to ease of use, assuming you mean programming the scanner manually, at the end of the day there are more steps to programming the 396 but once you understand a few basic concepts my (admittedly biased) opinion is that it is easier than banked scanners. And, if you are used to programming banked scanners there is a major paradigm shift you need to make. However, I designed the overall structure of the 396 memory to "map" much better to the real world (which knows no banks). The typical learning curve seems to be 1-2 weeks of cussing and yanking of hair followed by a brilliant flash of light and total devotion. I've written a couple of articles for Popular Communications (November 2005, January 2006) that we'll be reprinting and inserting in all of our dynamic memory scanners that is an attempt to shorten the c&y period so that the devotion can begin sooner... :*)

If the data stream is interrupted (as has happened to me many times as I forget to turn off the GPS occasionally and end up with quickly dying batteries) the scanner currently continues in the same operating mode as before (i.e. all systems that were locked or unlocked according to position remain in their latest state) and GPS no longer appears in the display. Considering whether more notice of signal loss is needed (but my GPS also beeps to let me know the battery is expiring, so the functional loss isn't without warning). If the GPS signal resumes, the scanner has no problems handling the resumption. Note, however, that the unit I'm using is still months away from having final, final firmware so the current level of performance should not be taken as an indication of the production-level performance.
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Premium Subscriber
Aug 26, 2002
Smyrna, Tn Rutherford County
GPS Issue USB or Serial

I do not know if I am the only one that has noticied that the newer Gpsr that are coming out operate with USB connectivity and not serial, so has anyone fugured out how these gpsr can be used with the 996t.
I sure could have used my old etrex for this.
Well gotta a legendC now and looks like I will hold out until there is a way to interface to the 996.

True USB connectivity to the radio would have been a big plus both for the gpsr and programming aspect.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Even if the 996 had USB connectivity to a PC, there would still be no way to connect a USB GPS to it. USB reqires that the host (PC) have drivers that enable it to talk to the client (scanner or GPS). Except for the Pictbridge standard that lets you plug some digital cameras directly into some printers, I know of no way to connect two USB clients together and have them actually communicate.


Jan 9, 2004
UPMan said:
Even if the 996 had USB connectivity to a PC, there would still be no way to connect a USB GPS to it. USB reqires that the host (PC) have drivers that enable it to talk to the client (scanner or GPS). Except for the Pictbridge standard that lets you plug some digital cameras directly into some printers, I know of no way to connect two USB clients together and have them actually communicate.

There are a number of MP3 players coming out that can act as a USB host. And you are right one device as to be a host when connecting portable devices.
If an MP3 player can be a host for file transfer why not Uniden?

BTW I found some more bugs in 996T UASD ver Try entering a 400 MHZ system with a MOT band plan from scratch. Many fields do not respond to any input. You can build it in the current 396 UASD and then when opened in 996 for an edit it has lots of options not previously shown.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Upman - You've answered one question, how about another?

With the final, final firmware being months away, I'm presuming the release date is equally months away. I've either missed or there hasn't been any update on the release.

The real question is, will the system files created for the 396 be compatible or convertable to the 996?



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
4phun already answered: Well compatibly is what you seem to have in these UASD files. I have been playing with 996T UASD and it seems to be compatible with most older UASD files I have downloaded from the Internet. After opening them in 996 they are different when saved adding more data unique to the 996 but they appear to be backwards compatible with 396T when reloading them in 396 UASD.


Dec 19, 2002
Most newer GPS units are now USB 2 enabled that I have seen including the one that I have, a Garmin GPS Map 76CS. USB is the way to go for any GPS data hook ups.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
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Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
Anybody want to comment on whether Uniden will fix the patch/multiselect issue that is found on all their other trunktracker scanners on the 996?

If a patch is initiated on talkgroup A and includes talkgroup B, you will never hear anything if you sit or scan talkgroup B only.

If the dispatcher initiates the patch on a talkgroup that isn't used much and you haven't included it in your scan list, you'd better hope your favourite talkgroup isn't included in the patch. You will never hear anything.

It's an easily reproducible bug on our large provincial Smartzone system and one I've written to Uniden about but have never received a reply back.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
I've not noticed that on a Mot Type II 800MHz, so you might want to start a separate thread and give more details.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 6, 2003


Nov 12, 2002
jpjohn said:
I guess I've never seen this before. Is this similar to when the FCC does testing on a unit and pictures, owners manual etc are then posted on the web?

Or is this a step before all that happens?

I'll assume it is good since it sounds positive being from the government, but then one never knows!!


This is the same thing - FCC Type Acceptance. The only thing is that there aren't any docs associated with the grant aside from the grant itself - at least not yet.

Joe M.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
That's because the first post in this thread has the MSRP listed ;> Actual price will of course be much lower.
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