Anyone using a non trunking, P25 capable rig for monitoring NYSEG?
I would like to get a rig for the car capable of 2 meter FM and P25. I'm thinking just program all the P25 voice channels and let the rig scan just these channels. Anyone use an IC-R2500 with the P25 card to listen to NYSEG? I'm in the Hudson Valley & with a good outdoor antenna can only receive 2 CC's, using 4 or 5 voice frequencies. Sure would be nice if Icoms P25 card would work in my IC-2200, instead of the D-Star card.
My reason for asking is to skirt legal problems presented by NYS VTL 397. The last paragraph specifically exempts an Amateur mobile rig. Icom makes Business Band mobile rigs that have P25 capability, but not Motorola trunking.
Anyone have any other ideas how to get around this ancient, outdated law (We've got to stop those tow trucks from racing to accident scenes!! Hey, you Lying thieves in Albany, ever hear of cell phones?? two way radios??) To me, it's not worth taking the risk of losing my CCW permit because I got tagged with a scanner in the car.