I listen everywhere man...
Hello and greetings from the West side of Cincinnati,
Me and my shack are located in Groesbeck. I mainly listen to Hamilton County TSYS, as well as MARCS.
I have a RS Pro197 and a GRE PSR500. Both have been cloned using the MONIX DST, ADST virtual folders.
RS Pro197 is programmend for decoding all the P-25 systems, TSYS, Etc.
GRE PSR500 is programmed for monitoring all others. (Conventional Objects, Etc)
I live right under the pattern for final approach to CVG, and frequently get cross talk between A/C and App/Deprt control.
I also use Pro96 in conjunction with my monitoring. I really like the Trace Grant function, as well as the Logging ability.
Thanks for starting this list.
In the mix,