I have done nothing but praise the BCD436 and BCD536 because they fixed all of my reception issues I have had with all of the other digital scanners on the market of which I have had every single one. I run my BCD536HP in the car and the reception is fantastic but that is where the fun ends. Things have been going great for over a year on my 2 hour commute back and forth to work. All of a sudden I started getting the prompt to set the time and I went through the trouble of taking the scanner out of my car and in the house and letting it scan plugged in and turned on for the entire weekend to let the RTC battery charge. Well Monday morning I put it back in the car and guess what 5 days in the car and the prompt came back to set the time . Boy what a pain that was because I turned on the scanner after I already pulled out of the driveway. I looked down and the scanner wasn't scanner... So I did the firmware update and now every time I start the car the scanner reboots and about every three times that I turn the scanner off and back on when I get to work or home it locks up during boot up and the screen is frozen even of I turn it off and I have to pull the power to get it to come back. I have reloaded the SD card with no change. I went back to the old firmware and it hasn't locked up since so it's something with the new firmware so yes I'm ready for a real fix PLEASE. I want to know who the heck came up with this RTC battery idea for charging because the HomePatrols don't have this issue but they also don't have the simulcast decode that the x36 scanners have. I'm sticking with the x36HP scanners and hoping for a fix soon so we can all move on and enjoy the hobby.
Thank you,
Thank you,