OK Upman I'm ready for a permanent fix for the time reset

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Nov 4, 2005
Try searching RadioReference. I'm not going to prove a common knowledge issue just because you don't want to perform a search.

BTW, I tried a google search, and the first link led to it. You must have tried really hard. :D (or tried really hard to ignore it)

Searched Google and found no lawsuit regarding any lawsuits against Uniden scanner division. The first Google link you referred to is: http://news.priorsmart.com/olivistar-v-uniden-america-lakY/

That's not about scanners!!! Searching PACER shows NOTHING filed in regards to any scanner lawsuit that's been filed either.

If you searched RR and Google, why not prove your point and copy the link? You've never proven anything yet about an active lawsuit.

You say a lawsuit has been filed against Uniden, where are the documents backing up your claim? Links? What law firm? Court documentation?

The only reference for a lawsuit is: http://unidenclassaction.com/sign-the-letter/

I can't find anything in the United States District Courts about any FILED lawsuit. You keep saying a lawsuit was filed, but I find no evidence of this being true, so why don't you post the link?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 16, 2008
Planet Earth
Try searching RadioReference. I'm not going to prove a common knowledge issue just because you don't want to perform a search.

BTW, I tried a google search, and the first link led to it. You must have tried really hard. :D (or tried really hard to ignore it)

Radio Reference is not a legal doj/government database.


Nov 12, 2002
If you searched RR and Google, why not prove your point and copy the link? You've never proven anything yet about an active lawsuit.

You say a lawsuit has been filed against Uniden, where are the documents backing up your claim? Links? What law firm? Court documentation?

The only reference for a lawsuit is: Sign The Letter | Uniden Class Action Site

I can't find anything in the United States District Courts about any FILED lawsuit. You keep saying a lawsuit was filed, but I find no evidence of this being true, so why don't you post the link?

And also not that I specifically said I don't believe it ever made it TO COURT, but glad you found it. I also never said it was active or filed. In fact, I said that it was dead (or pretty much so).

Isn't it ironic that it mentions the Analyze function that I specified in my original statement? And that Uniden cut it off at the knees by releasing the analysis feature. But, congrats. I knew you could find it if you really tried.

I love how you say there was no lawsuit, then back it up with a link to the lawsuit. That's classic.


Nov 12, 2002
At this point what difference does it make?

At this point none since the link was posted.

VE3, read XTS's post.

BTW, I love how XTS uses Google and thinks I used the exact same search terms in the same order. News flash: Different terms, and even the same terms in a different order will affect Google results. And no, I never mentioned or referenced the first link you posted.

And while RR may not be a legal database, the lawsuit was discussed ad-infinitum in November and December of 2014. It was mentioned in just about any post that was critical on Uniden - the originator (a RR member) trying to drum up people to sign onto it. As I said, it was very much common knowledge on RR, and XTS even made posts to the thread about it. (and I thought my memory was bad...)
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego County, California
So it was just on text/paper only in someone's room and never filed in any courts and no lawsuit was ever filed with any courts.

If it was never filed at the court, It shouldn't be called a lawsuit!


Nov 12, 2002
So it was just on text/paper only in someone's room and never filed in any courts and no lawsuit was ever filed with any courts.

If it was never filed at the court, It shouldn't be called a lawsuit!

Supposedly (because it was not my doing, so I have no first hand knowledge), they had an attorney who was in communication with Uniden, and there was a cutoff date at which they would file. Read the threads for first hand accounts. http://forums.radioreference.com/rants/301379-http-www-unidenclassaction-com.html (forums.radioreference.com/rants/301379-http-www-unidenclassaction-com.html) that include statements such as "I showed it to the attorney a few minutes ago" (this was way before their deadline).

It's possible it was all smoke and mirrors, but I seriously doubt it, as there were folks who were livid about it here on RR.

BTW, GUESS who the first person was who replied to the thread (Hint: starts with XTS and ends with 3000). That individual said "Thanks for stepping up and starting this process.", but now claims no knowledge of any "process".
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego County, California
You said "It was the lawsuit that led to the rushed analyze feature".

Other RR forum members are asking you or someone for any "Case Number" directly from any courts.
Not RR threads links, or forum member websites.

Let's see the lawsuit directly from the Court website, or the Case Number for this Law Suit with Uniden Corporation of America name in it you are talking about.

Let's all bring up that page on the court website. If any lawsuit was filed!


Jul 17, 2011
Both Uniden and their x36HP customers appear to be well and truly screwed this late in the game.
Warranties are expiring, the product's life cycle is quickly dwindling away, competitors are bringing known and generally well regarded competing products to market and there is a growing move away from hardware constrained scanners to SDR.

IMHO the X36HP as a product, has lost any commercial credibility and value now. Any scanner retailer worth his/her salt, by now, should be informing potential customers about the product's shortcomings and steering those customers toward other products like the 996P2, 352P2 or the Whistler units..

It's no wonder Uniden rushed the release of their other P2 scanners, because they most likely realized that Whistler stood to clean up as consumers boycotted the x36HP and started looking at the only other (at the time) phase 2 scanner on the market.

Voyager's unwavering defense of the indefensible is kind of entertaining to watch though :)


Jan 29, 2008
San Francisco, California bay area
Both Uniden and their x36HP customers appear to be well and truly screwed this late in the game.
Warranties are expiring, the product's life cycle is quickly dwindling away, competitors are bringing known and generally well regarded competing products to market and there is a growing move away from hardware constrained scanners to SDR.

IMHO the X36HP as a product, has lost any commercial credibility and value now. Any scanner retailer worth his/her salt, by now, should be informing potential customers about the product's shortcomings and steering those customers toward other products like the 996P2, 352P2 or the Whistler units..

It's no wonder Uniden rushed the release of their other P2 scanners, because they most likely realized that Whistler stood to clean up as consumers boycotted the x36HP and started looking at the only other (at the time) phase 2 scanner on the market.

Voyager's unwavering defense of the indefensible is kind of entertaining to watch though :)

Like the Whister 1080 or 1095?


Nov 4, 2005
BTW, GUESS who the first person was who replied to the thread (Hint: starts with XTS and ends with 3000). That individual said "Thanks for stepping up and starting this process.", but now claims no knowledge of any "process".

Now your putting words in my mouth that are simply not true, and I'd appreciate if you stop.

I know of the "class action" webpage, but after the deadline absolutely nothing was followed up. The thread was not updated nor was the webpage. I considered the issue or "process" dead after months passed after the deadline.

Then you pop up claiming a lawsuit caused the rushed Analyze Feature. All I asked for was the information, and you jumped all over me getting all defensive basically calling me stupid because I couldn't Google to get the answer that didn't even exist. Something that only seems to exist in your head, nowhere else.

If Uniden built a scanner that caught fire and burnt down 95% of the owners homes, Voyager, you'd be here defending Uniden because 5% of owners homes are still standing and haven't caught fire yet.


Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
I'm sure in the next month or two Uniden will throw the consumer a bone with a minor firmware update or app tweak just to show they are still working on the problems. Of course this will calm some of the consumers for a little while until they realize the update was just a smoke screen. Take the Analyzer release. It's pretty much worthless compared to the Homepatrol version.

Months go by and not a word from Uniden except for basic tech support answers. Boatsanchor said it right in the above post. Remember we're talking about a major company that also produces other products. Scanners are not the main source of revenue for them so why should they spend extra money or resources resolving the problems when the x36 line is still making them money. Not every consumer hangs out on Radio Reference.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jun 20, 2007
Anne Arundel County, MD
... Dan... I see your point about the on/off control in your case and agree with the logic of the reputation of the XT series... I look forward to your post on the 996xtp2 threads............ now... UPMAN, here is a possible solution to the widespread chronic dim display issue... develop a remote head (like you foolishly discontinued) like you had before but for the x36's... it would at least help 536 users see the display again... I would buy one if it had a bright bold display like my 1095... I think it would sell and would compete with Whistler... just an idea...
I could go along with this as a solution as long as the remote head screen uses different technology than the 536.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
The WS1080 and WS1095 are not the same class scanner as the BCD436HP or the BCD536HP.
1. Where is the remote control of the WS1080 or WS1095. NONE
2. Are they type 2 scanners? Yes to all 4 most users think 1 is better than the other.
3. Where is the site analyzer on the WS1080 and WS1095 without extra software? Does not exist.
4. WS1095 removeable head. Yes it has that the BCD536HP does not.
To compare the x36's to the WS1080 and WS1095 is like comparing the WS1080 to the PRO106 they both scan but have different features they are not just the same class of scanners neither is a PINTO and a MUSTANG the same class car.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
Mark I would hope that Uniden would use a different process for that also.
I have an open ticket for lost range with P25 Trunking on 700. VHF UHF was working great just would not stop on or decode the TACN site unless you had all 5 bars. This all started by moving a jumper on my combiner testing the jumper with the scanner on heard a tick and pop from the scanner and it stopped decoding P25 Trunking only. It would not even analyze the system I reformatted the card set up all new favorites did everything then opened a ticket with Uniden. The only way it would track or decode was to go to manual and a setting of 6 for decoding. Then I found a new Sandisk 4GB SD card copied the SD card from the scanner to the new SD card and bingo scanner behaves like it did out of the box.
With these new SD card scanners Uniden or Whistler it may well be worth the price of a new SD card $4.00 to see if it fixes a given problem.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
... I'd rather drive a Pinto that runs well over a Mustang with flat tires and headlights that don't work... to those who have no problems with the x36's you are very, very lucky, hang on to them, they must be great radios, I can only dream what that would be like... many of us are not that lucky... show some understanding here... I need good dependable police and fire radios that have clear p25 digital audio and bright bold displays... my GRE's (1095) do that, digital on my x36's is muffled and garbled and I can't read the displays so all the great features don't mean anything to me... I need performance and dependability to do my job...


Jan 27, 2011
As promised (to Bob) here are my observations on the 996P2. So far it seems the audio IS of better quality than the x36HP series. Out of the internal speaker the audio is a for sure improvement. I've discovered a strange anomaly with the external audio out, but I've determined the headphone jack is the best option if you are also using the USB cable for remote control. The only scanner I have that sounds any better is my Pro-197 (on non-phase 2 systems, of course). I don't travel that much, so having the database is not of much importance to me. I would much rather have a simple system of quick keys. I actually programmed the unit with Proscan, manually entering the information. I prefer to set things up my own way. Performance on LSM systems appear to be marginally better. It still suffers LSM distortion, but I honestly think it is just a little bit better. Bottom line: It's not the be-all end-all, but it sure beats the crap out of the 536HP I have! You reading this, Paulie?


Nov 12, 2002
Now your putting words in my mouth that are simply not true, and I'd appreciate if you stop.

Please tell me which part isn't true. Were you not the first reply to that thread or did you not post "Thanks for stepping up and starting this process."

I will gladly post an apology if either of those are not cold hard facts.
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