As progress moves forward on the build-out of CoRNet's South sites, New York Communications Company has had to surrender back to Orange County one of the frequencies used at their EDACS Site 17.
Site 17's LCNs are now:
01 - 851.0750
02 - 851.3250
03 - 852.1000
04 - 860.0375 (currently the control channel)
I am not seeing any traffic steered to LCN 03. In order to maximize availability for the primary users of the site (the Woodbury and Harriman police departments), countywide talkgroups (SO 911, Priority, etc.) are no longer automatically simulcast over Site 17.
As a result of the new LCN line-up at Site 17, Site 08's LCN line-up is now:
01 - 856.1125
02 - 859.0375
03 - blank
04 - 857.1125 (currently the control channel)
05 - 858.6375
Countywide talkgroup radio traffic continues to be carried over Site 8, despite the loss of one of it's LCNs. Expect additional changes to take place throughout the system, as replacement frequencies get shifted toward Sites 17 and Site 16, as both are built around channels licenced to the County of Orange.