Orlando Digital

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Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
Who are you talking to? Me?

Frankly it doesn't much matter to me if OPD goes encrypted or not. Though I'd prefer that no agency goes encrypted on general principles, except when they need it in sensitive situations (like when the SWAT team is called out), the truth is that they're out of my listening area unless I want to be slaved to a decent antenna on a 30 foot pole. And since
my preference is for portable radio equipment, that's kind of out the window.

As far as I'm concerned, encryption is a waste of money, adds unneeded complexity to
the system, creates additional key management headaches, reduces voice quality still
further, and in general is only loved by those who see it as an opportunity to make a lot
of money by selling that boondoggle of a "feature" to the hapless customer, more often
than not.

Just my opinion.

But if I end up involved in some way with a project or demo that results in me being
involved in the sales, installation, or maintenance of any equipment to OPD or anyone
else, I don't much care if they've got encryption or not. Particularly when I could possibly
claim "technician's need" and get keyed into the system anyway. :D

Plus, if they do end up with a fully compliant P25 Phase II trunking system in operation, I've already got equipment
that's totally compatible and the means to program it. Everything save the encryption keys.



Jul 19, 2002
Chicago Burbs

I forgot that most people forget about the KISS standard. Their is no grippe over the digital scanner, that is part of the future. Accept it, the real issue is the realability of the systems, no roaming hurts massivily. I know when I was on vacation their and I monitor speciffic sites, some where for the birds. So, I can only imagine what the digital system is like. The other issue that I have with digital systems is the lack or improper ability to have other joint or bored municpalities without the direct ability to talk to each other. So, whats the solution, patch talkgroups right. Well if you can't hit the tower conventional analog or digital what difference does it really make. They both failed right, the only perk is that a officer in the area might hear it on simplex as opposed to the digital system, if he or she is near that area. No, system is perfect no mater what another acceptance of reality, however when you fail to fix the prolbem at the root cause you can point fingers at people of neglence. or failure to act, however you choose to phrase it. Any yes, encryption is pointless on normal conversation , SPECIALALIZED OPERATIONS where their is reason to suspect that it may tip off someone or hiner in investigation makes sense. I maintian a repeater system and have encryption (basic) but even my most important traffic is put over landline like you would do in the old days, aka drop a dime. I really don't care all the encryption you can put on somthing if the knowledge or money is their trust me encryption does not mean anything, so that pric tag is the bottem of the line. Hello, those that work in fd and pd know that alot of the messages are done through the cad systems, mdt, mobile data computer, choose your platfrom (in my case for IL) alerts, Iwin or direct contact 25 me at, 10-19 at etc, out door roll call. Or call me at squad 14's nextel or sgt nextel what ever maybe the case. Rember if it fails on analog their is a strong possibility it will fail on a digital system, just more countiuns because the platform has bugsthat are being worked out.

Just food for thouht, my .02 cents, no one said you had to agree with it, so please don't flame me.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 26, 2006
Stow, Ohio
I Won't Flame You, and that brings up a valid point You live in chicago, I was in Downers Grove last week listening to StarCom21, and it seems as though that system works quite well, and one of the systems was on 700Mhz. granted i am only using a 996 with a comtelco antenna but it seemed to work quite well compatred to orlando.

I have no problem with Digital, people on this board seem to think i have an issue in buying a digital radio and i own 2, My Biggest complaint is that the way the system is operating now is below standard and that OPD was misguded and wrong in their application of encryption, however that is my opinion and i have a right to my opinion, as does everyone else on this board, we may challenge it, but that is our right as well as long as it is done in a civil manner.


Jul 19, 2002
Chicago Burbs
my opinion

**however that is my opinion and i have a right to my opinion, as does everyone else on this board**

No doubt their, and thats how improvements are made on systems. So its all good, and yes their a huge notable difference among systems and engineering studies. Las Vegas hotels are a unique battle in themselves. And tring to walk through a casino with a scanner is asking for a strong presence of a few body guards, if you know what I mean. All in all in was quite interseting to see their technique, as I was aware of their presence.

Surpise to them I know the techniques as I work in security / uc work. Unfair advantage I guess.


Aug 15, 2007
Only the gov can do whatever they want the people have no rights

look at the former gov of nys he commits a crime and does no time

you pay for company u do time..gov works for the rich

so your scanner issues of monitoring pd does not matter

the people matter when it comes to ask for a vote, after you vote your rights stop at the door

so next time u vote stop for 1 minute and ask yoursrlf..the guy i am voting for is the very same guy who will pass a law to stop my listening to a scanner. oh if it is a politican for mayor and you vote for him and he gets in and the local cops write you a ticket remember he made the laws so you pay the fine..

think twice before you go to the polls

enjoy scanning for know, the next guy u vote for maybe the one to destroy are hobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
It's a hobby not a right. Many have posted what they heard on various threads and if you were a chief and it was easy and cheap to encrypt wouldn't you. Well they are making it cheaper. I agree in that I don't see the need for every call to be encrypted. (Mrs. Jones dog is at large etc)
Do you think the law makers have a clue? It's like the people that go into a commission meeting and tell the board that they can't get parts for their radios anymore and we need new. Yeah sure.
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