n4voxgill said:
My report on this that was posted about a year ago, said that the Fire Department was the first unit to buy new radios with encryption capability and pushed to upgrade the infrastructure. The crime rate in Orlando has skyrocketed. The actual plan to upgrade to digital and encrypted was made about 5 years ago. It took several budget cycles to get the funds. It is laughable that they want to hide anything. They believe that security at all levels is a top priority. Encryption is just part of it. All radio recordings and documents are open for inspection. I submitted the original plan and budget request for changing to a trunked system in 1984, Encyrption was one of ultimate goals, but it has taken 24 years of budget requests to get to this point. Now that it is going encrypted, there are some other agencies that want to come on the system.
In a system with a thousand radios, there is always one nutcase that will drop a dime to the press and try to stir up trouble where there is not any. So hiding from the public is impossible.
How can You say that OPD has nothing to Hide, OPD probably wants to hide the fact that the murder rate in Orlando has jumped. and Chief McCoy had to even run patrols himself to show that he was actually doing something. (Oh My god i feel so safe now).
Hmm what else could they cover up:
#1. Response Times
#2. Innapropriate Behavior
I could think of other things, but from the case history of certian law enforcement officials (Orange County, FL and ohh you probably didnt hear Orange County, CA whose sheriff was federally indicted and they encrypt) but i guess we are nutcases and want to stir up trouble, well kiss my rear end i was wrong, i should always believe what my public officials say.
I will agree that Certain Talkgroups I.E. SWAT, Counter Terrorism Ops, Narcotics, Auto Theft should be encrypted. However lets face the fact that if 9-11 had never happened the money would have hardly been allocated (and as for the precious trunked system, well that has worked pretty well but for the FD it isnt always reliable), so Sheriff Beary, Chief McCoy, and Winter park can hide all their skeletons through an encrypted system and shut out the media, and the average "Law Abiding" citizens from Monitoring their public servants and holding them accountable.
do you sincerely believe that if Al Queda wanted to crack the communications system that they do not have the resources to do so, Encryption might make it more difficult, but with all the money that is pumped into the organization i am pretty sure they run a higher budget than Slo PD.
Sure Radio Recordings and Documents are subject to inspection, but WHO provides those recordings, and who decides what is given out and what is not. hmm not too hard for that to be figured out. (Been in the business so i figured that one out all by myself)
I did not "drop the dime" to the media but i am so thankful someone did, i believe in accountability, Opd knows that the media will not spend time going over every single recording or document that they provide and we all know not everything will be fully disclosed.
Gill your comments border on irresponsibility and i really think you have been drinking too much of the Kool-Aid that your former employers spewed, or did you mix it yourself and get them all paranoid.
and i ask myself why does a person who is a fan of closing up radio system so the poor insane nerdy no life live at home scanner listeners and the evil news media cannot listen.
why are you on a scanner board then?
Controlling the media and information is the first step to a police state. call it a conspiracy theory if you want, I am normally not agitated by this kind of stuff but this situation is fishy