OSP District 6 question

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Jul 24, 2006
Marengo, Ohio USA
OK I've looked over this site and I can't find my answer so now I'm going to ask. I live in Morrow County and would like to listen to post's 59 and 21. I have a Bearcat 996t, and programmed all of the district 6 county frequencies that are listed on this site along with the ID tags for Morrow and Delaware. My question is this: Some neighboring counties are not in the district, like Marion and Richland. How does this system work? Can a trooper from Morrow be using a repeater from a Marion site (which I would then miss because I skipped the Marion repeater sites when I programmed the scanner) or do the radios in Morrow/Delaware look for the first available repeater that is located in the assigned district, in my case district 6? If the answer is to long for a post an e-mail is fine ralph.humphrey@yahoo.com
Thanks for any help you can give.


Jul 30, 2009
Wapakoneta Ohio
Your Question is Kind of hard to Answer. But here goes. OSP is digital, thus they use Computer programmed Talk Groups, for both Data and Voice in the Ohio MARC's System. around here ( west Part of the State) at shift change when troopers log on for duty many times You will hear the troop ask the Dispatcher which CAD, They May say Post 06, or Piqua and so on. The system is designed to affiliate a user (Trooper) with a tower closest to where he is and link it back to the Disp center he is assigned to.

The Easiest answer I can give you is to load towers with in reasonable distance of you, expect to hear troopers from your area on different talk Groups depending on where they are or what CAD they may have been assigned to by the district Dispatch at the time they log in. Also if several troops are working an accident in a fringe area of the assigned CAD the Dispatcher may assign them to a closer Tower for both their cad a voice while they are working that area.

I hear Troopers From Findlay to Dayton, From Marysville To Van Wert which pretty well encompasses two State Patrol Districts. I have heard Troopers traveling to Columbus from the Van Wert Dispatch area all the way to Columbus as the move from tower to tower, its really very cool to see how the System works.

I Listened recently to a county sheriff transport van taking a load of prisoners from the county jail to the CRC center to be turned over to the prison system. That trip was half way across the state.

I hope I helped you some. Trying to make this as easy to understand as I can.



Feed Provider
Jul 4, 2007
From the standpoint of how the system works, this is basically what you need to know.

The site will only broadcast talkgroups if a radio affiliated with that site has those talkgroups listed. Even if a trooper travels from site to site, they may not be allowed to affiliate with a new site, but more often than not MARCS radios are setup to allow this.

As cfr301 stated, your best option is to load all sites you might be able to receive. Then add the talkgroups. If the scanner can pick up the second site, it will look for the same talkgroups you have programmed within the system (i.e. If you have a cleveland site, and a columbus site, and have groups of talkgroups for both, the scanner will search both groups regardless at each site, but is only trying it on the site it can receive).

I don't know how OSP operates in your part of the state, but if they travel, and get a significantly better signal with a different site, their radios will flip to that site and then you can hear the talkgroups. If you don't mind adding to the time it takes to scan through all the IDs it may be worth it to add some of the more interesting talkgrops that apply statewide. You never know what you will pick up with MARCS.


Jul 24, 2006
Marengo, Ohio USA
Thanks much guys for your input..Makes sense. Since I deleted a lot of sites I originally had in,(Marion, Richland and other surrounding counties) and put in only district 6 sites, I noticed a drop in Morrow county calls but not Delaware. Time to add the sites back, and a couple more to boot. This forum is great!!!!


Technischer Guru
Staff member
Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
Thanks much guys for your input..Makes sense. Since I deleted a lot of sites I originally had in,(Marion, Richland and other surrounding counties) and put in only district 6 sites, I noticed a drop in Morrow county calls but not Delaware. Time to add the sites back, and a couple more to boot. This forum is great!!!!

Your best bet is to start only with the control channel frequencies for the sites in and immediately surrounding your county. The problem with putting all of the others in is that when conditions are right, the scanner may be able to hear a distant control channel well enough to select that site when it hears what it wants to hear, but the site is too far away from you for voice transmissions to be anything other than noise. Result: headaches and annoyances....

I would recommend starting with these listed, and monitor to see which ones work consistently well, then remove those that are marginal at best (Riverview will likely be one of these... the site is in SW Delaware County and probably too far away from you for reliable reception).

Riverview (Delaware) - 867.85000
Centerburg (Knox) - 868.73750
Clearfork (Morrow) - 868.96250
Brinkhaven (Knox) - 868.78750
Mt. Vernon (Knox) - 868.65000
Butler (Richland) - 868.50000
Marion (Marion) - 867.57500
Mansfield (Richland) - 868.86250
Bucyrus (Crawford) - 868.35000
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