Thanks for the update. Depending on which obstacles might be in the path to transmitters, you may be able to receive more by getting your antenna higher off the ground.
I am hoping to get some more stuff to the East. I'm sure I will get more stuff to the West, and especially the North. The North would help tremendously with MCSO, which I hardly get any action here at my house in Glendale, even though I pick up White Tanks Simulcast for other P25I/II Simulcasts no problem. I get everything programmed on the SDS200 5x5 at the girlfriends house (I-17 & Jomax - Deer Valley / Norterra Area) primarily on the Anthem/New River Simulcasts, along with Far North Mountain, as I believe that is near quite a few of the repeaters for the multicasts.
As you can see from the below image (antenna.jpg), this is where the discone currently resides and works really well.
Where I want to move it, is either to the closest corner of the house, or the window that sticks out, just passed the A/C unit in the picture below (roofline.jpg).
I'm looking at a J-Mount to put it on. Something like the Antenna Directs' 18" or 40" mounts. I would like to be able to mount the Array for my new Ambient Weather WS-5000 unit on the top of the pipe, maybe about 3" or so above the top of the discone, but depending on how high either of those J-Mounts get the antenna up in the air, I may just have to throw it on it's own smaller, like 12" J-Mount, or whatever the short ones are that the old DirecTV dishes used.
Also, as you can see in the 2nd picture, there's a good size tree covering that side of my house towards the front, so I'm not worried about anyone saying anything about the antenna or weather Array. Driving around the neighborhood, I noticed some old DirecTV dishes mounted directly on the siding where I want to mount this, right on / near the front corner of the houses.
I don't know if anyone here uses Pro-Scan / Pro-Scan Client for listening to scanners, but I have mine online with Pro-Scan on the Remote SoIP Tab at "". The RSSI Graph will show folks who are a bit more versed at signal reception than I am, how well it comes in as the antenna is now. Everything comes in between -105 & -85'ish dBm, where at the G/F's house, it is more like -60dBm for everything. So I'm hoping, by raising and mounting the antenna, it'll get me closer to -50'ish dBm for everything.
Also, one last thing. When going through the programming on the SDS200, I removed Repeaters out of the Simulcasts that were just completely out of my area. For instance... MCSO has Queen Creek, Gila Bend, La Paz, etc. There's no way in Earth I can reach those. By doing that, it doesn't degrade any of the receiving capabilities of those Sites/Systems, does it? Since they Simulcast throughout the other repeater locations, that's just those amount of frequencies less that I would be able to lock in on, correct!?
Thanks again all for the help, guidance, and assistance. It is definitely much appreciated. I also appreciate the honest constructive criticism, etc.