The answer to simulcast distortion and how to handle it in the bcd536. I have been missing a lot. I have the antenna fully retracted and laying flat. I have been picking up everything in camden county. I have it in bank 2 and I have bank 5 with all new discoveries. I let discovery run overnight and let it collect let's say tgid 245 but it collects all talk groups. In the nights that I have collected I have 13-245 tgids in bank 5. If it doesn't hold in bank 2 it will has 13 more tries in bank 5. This works. I am going to put the speed back to 400ms. Im thinking that if it doesn't catch it in bank 2, make it quicker to run to bank 5. Bank 5 is going to be big.
To double check this, in "theory", if I put the antenna retracted and down I shouldn't have any hits in discovery. If I had the antenna up, in 15 minutes I could have 8 new hits of tgids that I already have, just showing for rate. I ran it for 20 minutes and only had one new hit. YEEESSSSSS! So set discovery for new discoveries to a bank. Run your system with antenna up and let it collect for a few nights. Check how many tgid of the same that you have. I have at least 12 of all tgids that was discovered. This works. Saved myself $700. I will run discovery tonight with antenna up just to collect more.
Here is the part I wasn't thinking of. Interoperability, Im picking up new tgids on it now. For the longest time, I sat in front of the scanner with the tablet looking up who is who. It was constant. Thought I knew them all untill new numbers and new voices started popping up in the past couple of days playing with the antenna. Back with sitting there with radioreference to see who is who again. Thanks to all, especially Whiskey for pointing the way.