So I finally received the battery and terminal and had everything working. A little confused on what the buttons and joystick are switching.
So I finally received the battery and terminal and had everything working. A little confused on what the buttons and joystick are switching.
email me if you want to play with the source for the Wio demo. The interface will change significantly after the protocol is defined and the source isn't commented heavily, but I have no problem sharing it as is....Looking forward to the API and customization- as one who can't leave things alone... I've done one fairly
complex Arduino project in the past.
No worries! It didn't bother me a bit. Love your Wio-stand project.My apologies to Todd (btt) for for messing up his name. He has been incredibly helpful in all respects and has communicated directly with me. Don't know where my brain was last night... Or this morning. It was the "zones question" post where I got it wrong. Don't know how to cancel this reply and move it there.
Sweet! @goldmyne99 is Wio connected to WiFi for the map?
Great to hear you have a WIO. The demo UF2 file at the below link is the working demo. When a new API is finished, more code examples will be created.I just got one of the Wio Terminals delivered a couple of days ago. Is the latest code available that you folks are working with?
Question: Could the Wio Terminal be used to send the p25rx usb binary data and audio over WIFI to your BTCONFIG software for remote control over WIFI?
In simple terms, the idea is to use the Wio Terminal as a wireless TCP/IP connection to BTCONFIG software.
I haven't looked at that yet, so I'll let @goldmyne99 answer that, but I'm pretty sure the answer is going to be yes. Pretty exciting stuff. Once I get the recent software changes somewhat settled, I will document the new binary data stream. I will also certainly be interested in helping with development on something like that. I plan on playing with the Wio terminal more in the near future.
Please, Please continue your terrific work goldmune99!!!!!!!@FreqNout I have added Skip, Hold, and Demod buttons to my WiFi test web page show above. I am able to send those commands over WiFi to the Wio Terminal to control the P25RX.
I have very limited network skills. However, I believe my simple tests show that full remote control of the P25RX over WiFi would work using the Wio Terminal. Of course, more code will need be to written and tested. As @btt said this is exciting.
goldmyne99,For those interested in more Wio Terminal WiFi testing:
I wanted to see if I could connect to BTConfig over WiFi.
The answer is: Yes -- as a concept.
However, a real workable solution will require much more work to be done.
Currently, BTConfig only connects to the P25RX via usb serial com port. The Wifi network data is transfered on TCP. I found a trial version of a "TCP to Com port bridge" Windows program that does the TCP to Serial connection.
Here is the data flow:
P25rx > Wio Wifi > My Wifi Router > Windows 10 PC Wifi > TCP-Com bridge > btconfig.
The Wio Terminal Wifi is setup as tcp server on port 2525
The TCP Com bridge program connects to port 2525 and passes the P25RX data to virtual serial com port 4. Btconfig connects to com port 4.
Here is a screen shot of Btconfig connected to the virtual com port 4 and reading the p25rx info over WiFi. Todd quickly created a custom version of BTConfig that allowed me to select com port 4 via command line for this testing.
View attachment 120173
It completes reading the sys config, reading the roaming info, and begins reading talkgroups from the P25RX before it stops.
Here is another screenshot showing a terminal program connected to the virtual com port sending and receiving data from the WiFi connected P25RX.
View attachment 120174
I see this as very positive testing showing what could be done in the future with the Wio Terminal and the P25RX models.
As always, more work (and fun) to be done
A big Thank You to @btt for the P25RX hardware and software!!