Thanks. I have it fixed in 11-05_0940, but I am currently unable to edit that part of the web site. Will get it linked when it starts working again. I will send you a direct link via email.
edit: It is available on the website now.
Not sure which version this started with over the past day or two but with the latest 11-05_0940,
talkgroups that I have not checked because I do not wish to hear them, are still being heard and displayed in the TG Log window but displayed as (unknown tgroup) without the talkgroup name I'd assigned. I did find this only happens if I change any talkgroup name or unselect a talkgroup and then do a talkgroup write.
It looks like I can correct this by closing BTConfig plus I power cycled the P25RX just in case and the problem appears to go away but comes back immediately after I make any changes in the TG editor screen and write the changes.
EDIT: I think I narrowed this down to the naming of a brand new never seen talkgroup. I gave it a name and then wrote the talkgroups to the P25RX. That's when all talkgroups that were not selected started being heard but displaying as an unknown tgroup.
I added a 2nd new talkgroup on the system and the same issue occurred. Once I restart BTConfig after making my name changes and writing the talkgroups, everything works as it should it seems.