Races? asses? whackers???![]()
ARES not asses. Whacker is an ?affectionate? term used for the guys with lightbars and a dozen antennas on their vehicle. They usually have a couple of handelds on the belt of their quasi LEO uniform as well.
Races? asses? whackers???![]()
Smokey, when the cops are half an hour away, you're facing an immediate threat to your life and you have a gun what would you do? Would you sit there waiting to die or protect yourself? Give us an honest answer if you please, no nonsense about New Jersey, foreign policy or other obfuscation is acceptable.
I was born and grew up in L.A. When I was about twelve I began to have thoughts that I needed to experience life somewhere else. My main motivation was to get outside urban areas and see how the other 25% of the country lives. I kept steering toward a career with the National Park Service or the Forest Service and moved out of state to get a forestry education. I lived in Arizona and New Mexico for over ten years. I transferred to Bridgeport, Calfornia and that locale is heavily influenced by Nevada. 55% of the land of Bridgeport Ranger District of the Toiyabe National Forest is located in Nevada so I often think that I really lived in Nevada as well and have stated such on this website. I lived in Bridgeport for 7 years and transferred to Mammoth Lakes nearly 21 years ago.
I've seen life in other states as I've lived it. You deal with a lot of issues when you work for the Forest Service, many that the residents themselves don't have any knowdedge of. You deal with a lot of land use law, and the lack of it, along with state and local governments. I've been on fires and investigations in 8 additional states and have gone to long term 4 week plus) university courses on the east coast sponsered by the Forest Service. Clemson University to be specific. I've been lucky to have the limited experience in all ten states I've lived and/or worked in.
I don't hold any particular allegiance to California even though I was born in the state. I've gone where I had to go for my career and those places and work I'm most interested in. California has some great agenices, in particular OES, CDF, DPR (state parks), Caltrans, and the CHP. All but the CHP are so far ahead of similar agencies in the other states I've lived in and been assigned to for fires and other temporary work, suffiiciently enough that it is clearly obvious to me. The CHP is an outstanding agency and in the states I've lived in only the DPS in Arizona is close. I've dealt with all these types of agencies in the states I've worked in and even if I wanted to rag on California I can't deny what I observed. Many states in other regions of the country might have just as good or better agencies as California does, but I did not find them in the four states I lived in, or the 8 others states I've spent time in.
The incident command system was developed here and is now the nationwide standard. This is not California provincialism, it is what happened. When you have the most challenging wildland and urban-wildland interface in the world, combine that with earthquakes, mudslides, and flooding that exceeds the frequency of disasters in many other states you better come up with something that works. Neccessity has been the mother of invention in the state and thoes California agencies I mentioned often gather ideas from other states, but people in those other states regard things from California with an amazing amount of suspiciion that has been demonstrated to me when no one has any idea that I'm from California, some right in the Forest Service, who I worked for from 1973 to 1999.
I've been blessed to be able to live and work outside California, this is just where I've been for the last 27 years. We may move back to Arizona in the next few years in order to get closer to our families in Arizona. I don't hold any provincial California attitudes and have found value in every region I've lived in. None of them can compare to each other, you can't find everything in one place. That is a huge reason I chose the Forest Service as a career as it affords the opportunity to live and work in 44 states in large megalopisis areas, places with no town at all, and everthing in between. My only regret is that I could only live in 4 states. I'm at an age where living in more than one more is not likely.
I wish people would lay off the Kalifornia and land of fruits and nuts thing. It is a rap the state does not deserve based on my experience. We all need to learn from each other, no matter where we live and no matter what we look like. I've been sharply criticized for holding a provincial California attitude by one poster, in the face of the anti-California provincial attitude of quite a few posters on this thread.
the People's Republic Of Kalifornia Does Not Wish To Be Part Of The United States When The Laws Of The Land Are Inconvenient For The Fruits And Nuts Who Live There. Perhaps They Should Try Secession....
Fred K1VR's PRB-1 presentation at Dayton in 2004:
Think about the questions posed in the PRB-1 presentation and how they relate to the Palmdale situation. I see many blatant violations, IMHO.