Philly plane crash.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Here's the rewind. What ever happened happened quick. Since it is a medical plane they would have oxygen aboard...

My condolences to all those involved.
Sorry but I wouldn't open that, yes there was oxygen on board which can only be in cylinders and secured. Hopefully nobody was smoking a cigarette next to the girl who was on the oxygen, that would be a catastrophic explosion.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Just for those who aren't familiar with the area there, whatever happened they only lasted 30 seconds after takeoff so it was a major malfunction. Had they had another minute the Delaware River is right there to their left underneath them, all they would have to do is just steer the plane towards the river and crash there, that's what most Pilots would have done over a heavily populated area. They didn't have time for that. Weight proportions could have been off and the nose of the plane went up and they had a stall, as has been suggested there could have been a structural malfunction like the loss of a wing, unfortunately the plane is in tiny little pieces that are scattered all over Northeast Philadelphia.

Hopefully people who find small pieces will contact the NTSB, I think it's or it used to be but frankly just call 911 and you will have a radio car at your door very quickly to collect what you have.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
So new video claims to show a large piece of something coming off of the jet before the plunge. I saw the video and I didn't see it but I'm sure that will be a focus.

If the tail came off or something similar that could cause the plunge. At this point we just have to wait for official investigations.


Dec 22, 2013
So new video claims to show a large piece of something coming off of the jet before the plunge. I saw the video and I didn't see it but I'm sure that will be a focus.

If the tail came off or something similar that could cause the plunge. At this point we just have to wait for official investigations.
I saw a video that claimed such, but it appeared to me to be a reflection of a wing that was trailing the plummeting plane. It appeared attached for most of the descent. I am unsure what is lighting the plane, city lights, sun from over horizon, moonlight or fire within.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
I saw a video that claimed such, but it appeared to me to be a reflection of a wing that was trailing the plummeting plane. It appeared attached for most of the descent. I am unsure what is lighting the plane, city lights, sun from over horizon, moonlight or fire within.
Yes, I noticed that there was Fire Within, it became a white object and went straight down but it looked like it was on fire or ignited in some way before impact.

Again a lot of talk about oxygen but obviously Jets have oxygen available because of high altitudes but as far as a medical ambulance there are the restrictions that it would be contained in the green cylinders. Just so unlikely that other than a weight inbalance of the center of gravity the tanks could have played a part.

Child was not sick and was cleared medically to fly after a period of treatment at Shriners Hospital which is free and depends on donations and specializes in children who are born without limbs or have deformities of their bodies where they are trained to adapt to having no legs or no arms. Child may not have even been on oxygen being that she was recovered and eventually returning to Mexico. There was a doctor and a paramedic but the doctor was Mexican and may have been returning to Mexico where he practices. Not because she needed it.

Last communication to the pilot was normal, handed off by Tower at Northeast Philly Airport to contact Philadelphia Airport departure, frequency read back by Pilot and his last words were good day.

30 seconds in the air, not even time to divert to the river to their left below them and it's pretty wide right there, the Delaware River would have been the place to crash the plane being over such a populated area.

Catastrophic structural integrity breakdown.

A PPD Insider told me this morning that people are calling 911 with fragments of the jet on their property.

District radio cars responding and collecting items.


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
Almost any aircraft capable of high altitude with a pressurized cabin has oxygen. It's not just medical aircraft.

I know that. I also know you and many other people have knives and/or the likely chance of at least one gun in the home. Doesn't mean they'll be used to kill someone...

Point is something happened very fast and I'm leaning the towards the oxygen. But who knows. Nothing but speculation at this point. Have to wait until the mandated 30 day NTSB report and see if they shed more light on the incident.


Jul 13, 2004
Burlington County, NJ
Just to bring the news up to date...

The orange box was found on Sunday Feb 2 at the bottom of the 8 foot deep crater (hole) caused by the plane impact.

Three people on the ground, injured by the crash, remain in the hospital.

At today's news conference, the announcements included a statement that "everything possible" will be open tomorrow (Feb 5). I doubt the crater and adjacent areas are repaired. I assume that means roads and businesses. The row homes affected by fire and the crash are being inspected by city safety personnel.

FWIW, has extensive coverage even today (Tuesday Feb 4).


Premium Subscriber
Apr 15, 2020
Pemberton NJ
I'm waiting to hear if someone finds a piece of the plane back along it's flight path, and if it has burn marks.
Some things I'm considering is if the O2 tank falls and the end breaks off it'll fly like a missile or if it cracks enough to fill the air with pure oxygen around any electrical spark there'll most likely be an explosion.
Also never use any oil or grease on any O2 connection, for that same reason.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
I'm waiting to hear if someone finds a piece of the plane back along it's flight path, and if it has burn marks.
Some things I'm considering is if the O2 tank falls and the end breaks off it'll fly like a missile or if it cracks enough to fill the air with pure oxygen around any electrical spark there'll most likely be an explosion.
Also never use any oil or grease on any O2 connection, for that same reason.
Could be, down the line in the investigation they may be able to find something like that out. There was a military Helo orbiting Northeast Philadelphia most of the morning probably looking for debris.

They have a lot of work to do before they come up with an answer..

I just sense that because it was Shriners Hospital and she was recovered and medically cleared they probably used the ambulance aircraft because of a possible brace or prosthesis due to the nature of the children treated at Shriners Hospital. This made flying on a commercial airliner cumbersome and not safe. Another 25 days or so for the preliminary report.