Nessnet - some of your directions are probably too confusing for him. Let's take it slow.
Wulfe - I downloaded your file but it errors when I try to load it. The data must not be correct. Let's try running with the file that Nessnet sent you. Do you know how to access your mailbox in Radio Reference? It is the envelope button at the top of the screen. Push that envelope button and you should see the message that Nessnet sent you. It will have a file in it called PIERCE.HPE. Click on that file and save it to your computer.
Now once that is done, we need to get that into your Sentinel program. Let's take it step by step.
1) Open Sentinel
2) Under FILE, select IMPORT HPE FILE
3) You'll see a FAVORITES box pop up.
4) You should see a button in that box called NEW FAVORITES LIST. Click on that button
5) Create a new name for this list you'll import. Maybe type in PIERCE
6) A new window will now pop up. This is where you will select the PIERCE.HPE file. Go to wherever you saved that file.
7) Select the file and then push the OPEN button.
8) Once that is done, you should see PIERCE entered into your favorites list.
9) Connect your 436 scanner and select WRITE TO SCANNER
Once that is done, unplug the scanner. Once it starts up again, it should start scanning that profile. Hopefully you will starting hearing the PCSO sheriff dispatch.
I really hope this helps you.