They put an area public bus transportation service on our state TRS here and they yap 24/7 tying up up to three voice frequencies at a time. Long winded lectures from dispatch to drivers and constant questions.
They just sap system resources.
FYI, the 800 Mhz APX1500 are being installed on the buses at this time., ALL POLK SITES, 5 additional channels HAS added , so, new scans and GID hunting you shall go. (I have this on very good word)
When my agency migrated from SmartNet .89x to Astro 25, the BOE opted not to buy P25 subscribers (they all had legacy SmartNet Maxtrac and MCS2000 mobiles)
FYI, the 800 Mhz APX1500 are being installed on the buses at this time., ALL POLK SITES, 5 additional channels HAS added, so, new scans and GID hunting you shall go. (I have this on a very good word)
600 non public safety radios.......all bad. What does that do for system loading? "Sorry for the system busy Trooper 107, bus 33 was asking why little Johnny wasn't out waiting when they pulled up." Very poor decision mixing non public safefty with public safety.
Polk County School Buses on Polk County TRS system
5378 Alpha .... South West
5382 Brovo .... West Central
5379 Charlie .... Central
5377 Delta .... North Central
5381 Echo .... North West
5380 Foxtrot .... South East
5384 Golf .... North East
5383 Hotel .... East Central
5385 India ..... South Central