I don’t think I programmed it right, I’m getting “nothing to scan”
Did you manually program the new
system? Or did you append it from the main database in Sentinel?
If you manually entered it into a Favorites list, and are using Location Control on that list, you must also enter the correct location data for the site as well as the Department where the TGID resides. Leaving the location fields blank, means that the scanner treats that as a location in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Africa. Needless to say, well out of range if using location and a GPS. If that is the case (no location data & using location), it will result in the nothing to scan prompt.
If you append the system from the main database in Sentinel, that also carries over all of the location information for sites & departments. Be sure that your Favorites list is set to both download & be monitored (that's in your profile) before you write the list to the scanner.