1. FYI a county VFD member friend last week told me Prince George Co. was converting to a fully automated dispatch system. During the past few months I noticed in addition to a human voice VFD/EMS dispatch subsequently was an automated synthesized voice dispatch. Maybe totally automated dispatch now means Police, EMS and VFD. Earlier this morning a page and automatic voice announcement reminded personnel of training today for use of the automated dispatch system. I'm not exactly sure what the end result will be, but something will change within the next few days.
2. Why the new Prince George Co. BOS, in my opinion, wasted money on this interim dispatch effort now with radio system replacement actions underway since last Thanksgiving to replace the present crappy uhf county analog radio repeater "system" in 2017 makes no common or economic sense to me.
2. Why the new Prince George Co. BOS, in my opinion, wasted money on this interim dispatch effort now with radio system replacement actions underway since last Thanksgiving to replace the present crappy uhf county analog radio repeater "system" in 2017 makes no common or economic sense to me.