can anyone advise what is the latest firmware for the pro-96 and where can it be obtained. Can the PRO-96 be rebanded.
can anyone advise what is the latest firmware for the pro-96 and where can it be obtained. Can the PRO-96 be rebanded.
Not sure what that firmware is for, but it cannot be for the PRO-96, as the firmware is not updatable. Maybe that's the DSP version 1.4, or perhaps firmware 1.4 for another model.
Not sure what that firmware is for, but it cannot be for the PRO-96, as the firmware is not updatable. Maybe that's the DSP version 1.4, or perhaps firmware 1.4 for another model.
DSP Version 1.4 most certainly is a firmware update. Where do you get such bad information about replacing chips etc?
no - the DSP and the firmware are two different things. When you power on your scanner, hit the '3' button. It will show the version of each. Not sure where you are getting information that says they are one in the same, but that information is not correct. The fact is, and this has been known for over 10 years, is that the firmware in the 96/2096 cannot be updated. Only the DSP can be updated (as I said in post #3).
BTW, the link you provided is an instruction sheet on how to update the DSP.
But if that is your story and your sticking to it so be it. It is hard for some people to admit error and I understand that. Your initial post would have the OP scrambling for a new chip which is totally false. I am done.
When a manufacturer tells you something, and it's confirmed by several engineers, I do tend to not want to admit I'm wrong when passing along what they say about their products. It is a fact that the firmware is contained in the CPU and is cannot be updated. ONLY the DSP, which is not the same thing, can be updated - PERIOD. Again, press '3' when you power on your scanner, and you will see they are different things. The proof is on my side. The fact that Radio Shack put a confusing term in their docs don't mean that both the DSP and firmware are both updatable. You've never seen a firmware update for the PRO-96/2096 and you never will. All you will see are DSP updates. Go ahead and prove me wrong if you want because I know you will never do it. The only people who have updated firmware in their 96 are those who purchased later units that have newer firmware in the chip. EVERY firmware version you will see in a 96 starts with "F" which means FACTORY. You will never see a U for the firmware which means UPDATED. You will only see the U next to the DSP version.
Maybe Don Starr will chime in, as he's said the same thing in the past, too, and he should know.
There are a lot of people who think the DSP update is a firmware update, but it is not. They are two separate things. That's why they are listed separately in the scanner.
can anyone advise what is the latest firmware for the pro-96 and where can it be obtained. Can the PRO-96 be rebanded.
When a manufacturer tells you something, and it's confirmed by several engineers, I do tend to not want to admit I'm wrong when passing along what they say about their products. It is a fact that the firmware is contained in the CPU and is cannot be updated. ONLY the DSP, which is not the same thing, can be updated - PERIOD. Again, press '3' when you power on your scanner, and you will see they are different things. The proof is on my side. The fact that Radio Shack put a confusing term in their docs don't mean that both the DSP and firmware are both updatable. You've never seen a firmware update for the PRO-96/2096 and you never will. All you will see are DSP updates. Go ahead and prove me wrong if you want because I know you will never do it. The only people who have updated firmware in their 96 are those who purchased later units that have newer firmware in the chip. EVERY firmware version you will see in a 96 starts with "F" which means FACTORY. You will never see a U for the firmware which means UPDATED. You will only see the U next to the DSP version.
Maybe Don Starr will chime in, as he's said the same thing in the past, too, and he should know.
There are a lot of people who think the DSP update is a firmware update, but it is not. They are two separate things. That's why they are listed separately in the scanner.
I have updated my 2096's and 96 in the past and it was DSP only, not CPU firmware. At one time (long time ago)you had an option to send the scanner in for a CPU upgrade.