PRO-97, receiving a lot of unwanted stuff. HELP

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Feb 20, 2007
i just recently purchased and exchanged (my first one was completely DEAD, didn't pick up anything)

i'm having a problem specifying which TGID#s i want to listen to and block out.

i have programmed almost 29 TGID#s in bank 1 - 0.

i've programmed in the ones i want to listen, ones i may want to listen to later on but not always and then ones i want to specfically L\OUT.

i've read on the above link how to open and close banks and i've closed bank 1 and then L\OUT the ones i didn't want to listen to at the time and they still get through. what am i doing wrong\forgetting?

this is what the screen looks like when i sit in manual mode on bank 1 with the only programmed trunked MOT channel:

M100MO 856.93750
pri att DLY LO-
Trunked Freq.
MOT: none (this sometimes changes to the programmed TEXT tag i assigned and sometimes to a non-programmed ID# when receiving a signal)



Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
If there are talkgroups you never want to hear, don't program them at all. Only program the talkgroups you want to hear. Assuming you are trying to monitor a Motorola system, make sure the frequencies entered are in MO mode. Make sure the bank is in MO mode and CLOSED. Verify all 150 talkgroup positions to make sure some group is not programmed more than once. Lastly, put the scanner in SCAN mode, do not sit in MANual on the control channel/etc.


Feb 20, 2007
what about the ones i may want to hear but don't at a specific time? like i want to hear sheriff\police but i want to block out fire\ems\ER? but later i'll listen for all of those?

is that possible?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
PRO-97 TalkGroups

Certainly that is possible. Talkgroups on the PRO-97 are stored in "sub banks" that can be toggled on/off. There are 5 sub groups of 30 channels for each bank. And as you already know, individual talkgroups can be locked out.

Your complaint was that you are hearing stuff you do not want to hear. Are you hearing a talkgroup which is programmed, or something else?

incarceration said:
what about the ones i may want to hear but don't at a specific time? like i want to hear sheriff\police but i want to block out fire\ems\ER? but later i'll listen for all of those?

is that possible?


Feb 20, 2007
as of now i have 3 banks and within bank 1 i have bank 1-0 (not sure what the 0 is called) but within that 0 area i have 22 TGID#s programmed. some are fire, EMS, emergency medical, sheriff and police. now what my problem is is i cannot get it to block out say all but police and sheriff by going into PROG + TRUNK and putting "LO" on the ones i do NOT want to hear. when i do that, sometimes i'll get the ones i put on "LO" and the ones i have on "lo" and i'll also get ones i haven't even programmed in there.

BTW, bank 1 only has ONE freq in it. it's a RED primary control freq. Freq and talkgroupIDs all from this one for bank 1:

i want the ones that are "lo" to come through, the ones that are currently on "LO" to not come through then of course the ones i haven't even programmed to not come through.

i've seen 3 different ways of setting the L\OUT by being in the MAN position and on line 2 it'll say "lo+", "lo-", "LO+" and "LO-". then in PGM + TRUNK i can make it say next to the MOT ID# "lo" or "LO"

i have a recording of me listening to a transmission of what sounds to be like 3+ diff talkgroupIDs coming through at the same time.

oh yeah, and you told me to not sit in MAN mode to listen but to just hit SCAN and listen where it has like the * 1 2 * * 5 * * * * and then the plus or minus under each. i don't hear anything come through when that's on. like if i am hearing something on MAN and then just hit SCAN to switch over and scan, the transmission goes away and i don't hear anything anymore lol.

i'm sorry if i'm a pain in your a$$, i just feel like i'm SO close to getting this figured out.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
lo+ = NOT locked out, bank OPEN
LO+ = LOCKED out, bank OPEN
lo- = NOT locked out, bank CLOSED
LO- = LOCKED out, bank CLOSED.

You want the bank CLOSED, otherwise even "locked out" (ALL) talkgroups will be heard.


Feb 20, 2007
yeah i've had it on "LO-" for BANK: 1 CHAN100MO FREQ:858.71250. then when i push SCAN it says "All channels Locked out!" when scanning bank 1. if i put it on "lo-" i don't get anything when i push SCAN and scan only bank 1.

do i have to try another primary control freq maybe? cause i have others programmed in bank 0 and bank 2 that pick up when scanning those banks in SCAN mode.

also, how am i supposed to know which of those like 15 Freq. with a mixture of black and red to use? or do i just put em all in one bank? lol


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Regarding the frequencies to program; all you need are the control channels - 4 max. But I always program all of them in case one is used as a control channel at any time.

Regarding locking out all channels; it sounds like you are locking out the frequencies and not the talkgroups you do not want. After programming in the 15 frequencies, leave them all unlocked; lo- on the display. Then press FUNC TRUNK and use the UP or DOWN keys to go through each talkgroup putting LO next to the IDs you want locked out (I guess you have a small number of IDs and they are all in the same sub group). Then press SCAN.


Feb 20, 2007
ok i've got the 10 red\primary and black freq programmed in right now (there were 4 blacks that were also red so i didn't put them in cause it'd be a dup.)

i'll get back to ya on how it's working now in SCAN mode, i think it's working though cause i'm only getting sheriff stuff like i wanted =D

thanks for helping my newbie self though.
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