Some things that I can answer from the last day of posts....
Mil-Air: Is included and is "Spec-ed" this time, so the sensitivity is great. Is hand for me hear near the Wash D.C. ADIZ where we do see real activity.
380 MHz trunking: The trunking "object" includes a "VHF/UHF" selection, and you can put in all of the offset/base etc. It also has a full trunking table capability for each trunking object (with plenty of entry slots!). As far as I can tell there is no freq limitation on trunking like the Pro-96 had. So you enter the data in the trunking object, and it will tune to any freq (except cellular of course).
Trunk output on PC/IF: There will be some decoding for the PC to do, but it is simple ASCII output, and I have not seen a Spec yet. I am sure that information will be provided when it is available for sale.
Statewide talkgroup use efficiency: You only enter an object once. For example for a system, you enter it and then when you enter a talkgroup, you tell the talkgroup which system to use. Then you group the talkgroups into scan lists. So you can use the talkgroups in multiple scan lists and not have to enter the talkgroup more than once. I hear there will also be some pretty intelligent processing of multiple site (e.g. Statewide) systems.
Other Trunking.. The System object properly keeps track of the control channel when it switches frequencies regardless of scanning, pause, or MAN mode. This is good. So it seems you can pause on a TG and leave it for days and the system object will handle all of the CC tracking just fine for as long as the radio is powered up.