Completely Banned for the Greater Good
RoninJoliet said:Am i not reading the specs on the digital models correct but where is the 764-776 band, it says 796-823..
Specs were just a rough draft, as stated it will trunktrack 700 systems.
RoninJoliet said:Am i not reading the specs on the digital models correct but where is the 764-776 band, it says 796-823..
rdale said:Specs were just a rough draft, as stated it will trunktrack 700 systems.
If the control channel/trunked formats are to be outputed on the PC/IF port you won't need one, or a slicer circuit if the software calls for it. All you need is the USB cable and the software coded to correctly identify the streams.bc780l said:Desired, in addition to all the others already identified: a dedicated discriminator output JACK!
bc780l said:Desired, in addition to all the others already identified: a dedicated discriminator output JACK!
scosgt said:Actually, with a flexible memory system similar to Unidens, you don't need V-folders, you just program in everything you will ever need, then lock out those you don't need right now.
In my 396, I have NJSP North, South and Central, but I almost never use anything but North. If I venture further south, I just enable those systems. I also have PA, when I go in that direction, I just turn it on. No need for v-folders, everything just lives in the radio and is turned on/off as needed.
JASII said:I am reviewing the posts, but now I can't find what I wanted. Is this definitely going to have NAC search and decode?
windigofer said:Even with the flexible system used by the Uniden scanners, I can still see how a V-Folder would be quite useful.
In my own case, there are a few systems I get to monitor around twice to four times a year (namely, Sullivan/Washington Co, TN and Bristol TN/VA's systems, and NASCAR frequencies) where (in a Uniden setup) they'd be wasting space most of the year but (in a V-Scanner/flex-bank setup such as GRE is proposing) I can keep a V-scanner of the Bristol and NASCAR stuff to "swap out" with my regular set of frequencies when I go down to the races.
Same goes for air shows--I keep a dedicated V-Scanner now for the local airport frequencies and airshow frequencies from Monitoring Times that gets used in its entirety maybe a few times a year (Thunder over Louisville's airshow and the Dayton Airshow for the most part) and I can swap out V-Scanner banks to listen to the planes then "swap back" for local stuff.
I think that combining both tactics is frankly a heck of an idea :3
Skud said:noooooo, only one knob for volume and squelch. That is one thing I do not like on the 97 vs my pro 96
n4jri said:4 - No NAC search or decode. ???? (is this the same as WACN?)
n4voxgill said:some posts say I like the new one because it is the size of the Pro97 and the Pro96 is too big. Then you read posts that say I want two knobs on top. You can't have small and two. The same is true on the mobile. The 2096 has no room for a seperate squelch nob. You could make it bigger and then it would never fit in a din. It wouldn't surprise me if the single knob with two functions doesn't cost more than two single function knobs. Manufactuers can't win.
rfmobile said:Hi Allen;
No. They're different. NAC is P25 equivalent to digital coded squelch. It's 12 bit code inserted to every packet - voice or control channel. The 20 bit WACN applies to trunking.