That comparison was written by AirNav and is widely acknowledged as heavily biased and one-sided.
Radarspotters if you want to get an honest, independent comparison.
I don't think it was ever intended to be regarded as balanced at all, after all it is on AirNav's own page, clearly identified as written byAirNav's staff.
I did check out both SBS and AirNav's products before I bought the AirNav. While the SBS was pretty cool, I thought the AirNav product would be easier to set up and use. If I had to do it all over again I would likely stick with the AirNav but wouldn't mind trying an SBS box as well.
You are correct in that you need to check independent sources for balanced reviews instead of advertising. It is very similar to the debate over which scanner is better, the 996XT or PSR600. While each does pretty much the same thing they each have pluses and minuses, and the differing features may make your decision easier. If the SBS has something that you really want and the AirNav doesn't, then the SBS is the one you should get.
While I sold my AirNav after 6 months, if more aircraft in my area start using the system I might look into getting one again, or maybe the SBS or whatever else is available then. Of course of an SBS comes up for sale at the right price at the right time (meaning when I am cash-flush...) then who knows... Kind of like I ended up with the AirNav!
Happy Monitoring!