That's a good idea. In fact, there's not much during the day sometimes!
Can anyone confirm the status of the City of Davis and the University of California Davis systems? I am not able to pick up the City of Davis system and I don't get out that way very much but I do still get the University of California Davis on the old frequencies.
Sounds like Roseville PD is up to something atm. They are being told not to use the regular channels by dispatch..something about IT is testing them.
I heard a couple of units talking about going to channel 14 on their car radios.
So I'm wondering if they may not be done yet with the rebanding process in Roseville.
While out mobile on Thursday, I heard a transmission over Roseville Fire VHF that there was a problem with 800 and that everyone should switch to VHF until further notice. It is a good thing they have VHF to fall back on. It sounded like a computer issue.
Anyone know if both FD and PD are on VHF? Roseville PD's old 155.565 is now being used by Nevada County.
I know Roseville had made a request a while back to use the VCALL and VTAC channels in the event of a 800MHz system failure but I am not sure if the request was granted or not.
Do they have ANY 'conventional' channel capability? Such as UHF or 800 MHz? At the time I heard Fire indicate the 800 system was down, I didn't even wonder how PD was getting by. Now I wonder. It seems like they should be able to use a CLEMARS channel, mutual aid frequency or even a TG on the SRRCS in these type of situations.Roseville PD does not have VHF capability in their vehicles, unless it has been added in the last couple years.
Do they have ANY 'conventional' channel capability? Such as UHF or 800 MHz? At the time I heard Fire indicate the 800 system was down, I didn't even wonder how PD was getting by. Now I wonder. It seems like they should be able to use a CLEMARS channel, mutual aid frequency or even a TG on the SRRCS in these type of situations.
RPD was using CLEMARS last summer while doing surveillance behind the water park on Taylor Rd. I'm guessing they weren't in marked patrol cars.
Is that because Roseville is equipped with Lo-Jack while Rocklin/etc is not? Not all Sacramento LE cars have Lo-Jack.I've noticed that Roseville seems to have a lot more antennas on their patrol cars vs other surrounding agencies like rocklin, etc including some in the SRRCS.
Is that because Roseville is equipped with Lo-Jack while Rocklin/etc is not? Not all Sacramento LE cars have Lo-Jack.