Refund Subscription

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W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Dude, I issue refunds all the time for circumstances. It's not a binary thing.

Why am I, and my business practices publicly on trial here? WTF?

If you want someone to rub your feet and make you feel better this morning, go ask your wife for help. If you're cool with me, I'll bend over backwards for you. But I won't bend over forwards and you know what happens when me or this business is put on trial around here. I've got a sharp tongue and I'm not afraid to use it.
NO!, NO! :ROFLMAO: ... much rather have the GF rub my feet than you, I'm good, I'm good.

I must admit though, I have noticed your posts have been a lot more... "spicy" to use your own word.

2020 has been a pretty crappy year and everybody's affected by it, everybody's on edge, I can't remember a more stressful year and it's only haif over.


Nov 18, 2009
Its time to close this thread, please. It's going nowhere. Behave, gentleman, behave. Last time I check the US of A was a free country with free speech and expression.


Active Member
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May 2, 2020
Fort Misery
This is not the town square and your First Amendment rights do not extend to hosted internet sites that are paid for by individuals or groups that elect to decline opposing views.

Blantoni runs the site and he sets the rules. We can individually accept them and find value in the material here or we can not accept them and move elsewhere.

I come here to indulge my interests in radio.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
:le sigh:
that's what I was poking at with my post. (why else would I just put the name, and not the contextual sentence?)

slicer dropped his ceremonial name in another thread recently :LOL:


Active Member
Jul 25, 2003
Why am I, and my business practices publicly on trial here? WTF?

Because your hyperactive ego is showing in your posts here and that is not being received well by your customers. Seriously dude, get help for that. Your business is in a shrinking market (age demographic of current customers, younger generations couldn't care less about scanners or radio hobby in general, encryption, high cost of scanners now a barrier to newbies, etc) so don't drive customers away. Good luck.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2014
Because your hyperactive ego is showing in your posts here and that is not being received well by your customers. Seriously dude, get help for that. Your business is in a shrinking market (age demographic of current customers, younger generations couldn't care less about scanners or radio hobby in general, encryption, high cost of scanners now a barrier to newbies, etc) so don't drive customers away. Good luck.
It would appear to me that his policies are pretty much accepted by everyone. The very vocal minority is just that: a very vocal minority. I don't think he needs any help in being the boss because this forum runs quite smoothly. If you'll go to the list of subjects covered in these forums, you find that scanners constitute a small part. There's a plethora of other radio subjects being discussed. With almost 1.4 million subscribers, Blantoni and the management team must be doing something right because that number continues to increase.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Because your hyperactive ego is showing in your posts here and that is not being received well by your customers. Seriously dude, get help for that. Your business is in a shrinking market (age demographic of current customers, younger generations couldn't care less about scanners or radio hobby in general, encryption, high cost of scanners now a barrier to newbies, etc) so don't drive customers away. Good luck.

I don't think he needs luck.

This website isn't going to die because he shared a political belief that you choose to disagree with. There's a lot of thinly veiled and not so thinly veiled political opinions shared on here every day. Most people don't lose their cool over it. There used to be a "politics" forum in the tavern. It was mostly a silly waste of time with grown men arguing with each other, back and forth, back and forth with lots of insults hurled. It served no purpose other than a vent for people. It resulted in people getting angry because they couldn't force others to change their opinions. Luckily the management decided to do away with it. I think the forums are better off with it gone. No need to start that up again. Since it is his website, he's allowed to do whatever he wants. You are welcome to complain, but he's under no obligation to bow to your demands.

The Tweet that was shared was an idiotic conspiracy theory that had exactly zero basis in any facts. It pertained to the hobby since it suggested that radios were getting hacked. That is a very appropriate topic to discuss here. The thread was closed since it was just going to turn into another political argument. I know people wanted to discuss it, but it was obvious it was going to turn into people trying to shift blame, trying to justify the claims, or generally turning it into another $h** Show.

It's his website, and he gets to do with it what he wants. If you'd like to create your own website, that's always an option. looks to be available. I'll look forward to see how that website develops. From what you claim, there should be a huge audience for that.


Founder and CEO
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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
Because your hyperactive ego is showing in your posts here and that is not being received well by your customers. Seriously dude, get help for that. Your business is in a shrinking market (age demographic of current customers, younger generations couldn't care less about scanners or radio hobby in general, encryption, high cost of scanners now a barrier to newbies, etc) so don't drive customers away. Good luck.
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