Wow, you guys with the early "Q" prefix licenses have real collector items! After issuing a number of those calls at the beginning of the CB era, the FCC was called "on the carpet" by the ITU for issuing radio call signs against international regulations.
The U.S. was only allocated radio calls beginning with "A, K, N or W" The letter Q was not allowed since that series was only for internationally recognized Q-Signals.
The FCC complained that the CB identifiers were really not call signs but simply "serial numbers" but lost the battle! Thereafter, all U.S. CB licenses had to conform to internationally assigned prefix letters!
A buddy of mine in Raleigh, NC was assigned 5Q2013 around 1960 (I still have his QSL card) but by the time I got my Class D (23 Channel, 27 mHz) license in 1962, they were up to KCJ4033,
which was my first CB call sign. In 1963, I was assigned KAH8827 for a Class C (27 mHz) radio control license and KHG3368 for a 5-Watt Class B UHF (460 mHz) license. I was going to apply for a high power Class A (UHF CB) license, now known as GMRS, but got spooked by the requirement for a "construction permit" and inspection before a license could be issued! One confession, as the statue of limitations has run its course:
I got interested in CB radio as the result of being a ham operator FIRST! I was 15 years old then. When I found out that an applicant had to be 18 years old to fill out the old FCC Form 505, I figured that was somehow unfair since I had already passed the ham and commercial exams, so I just applied anyway and fudged my age! The good ol' FCC went ahead and gave me a Class D CB license and I was happy! Over the years, I kept renewing all of those CB licenses until the rules changed sometime in the 1970s or 80s when the requirement was dropped. I was sad to lose my precious call signs, as the licenses somehow legitimized CB radio operations but by that time it was too late, the 27 mHz band was lawless and worthless for any practical use. So, cherish those old CB licenses and enjoy the memories!
73, Bob KCJ4033 / WA4A