CB Radio users use whatever they want. There is no law stating "The user must use RG-58 cable to connect the transmitter ot the antenna". Most store bought antennas have RG-58 as the coax of choice for a mobile installation. Then again, so do a lot of amateur radio antenna manufacturers.
Back on topic, it should be noted that a major difference between RG-8 and LMR400 is the use of stranded (RG-8) or solid (LMR400) cores. Stranded is more flexible, solid is more desirable. Your pictures posted above will prove this statement true.
Back to the issue of shielding, the AVERAGE braid is about 88% coverage. RG-8 falls under this category. Foil shielding is 100% coverage and then add the 88% coverage braid for a good strong shielding on the LMR400 cable. Personally, at my shack, RG-8 won the battle because it was much cheaper, and dangit, I can live with an additional .5dB of loss on a 100' line.
If money wasn't an object, I'd be running 1-5/8" heliax to the top of a 300' tower. Money is an object so I'll settle with my $59.99 UVS-200(which is the best antenna I've ever owned) with 75' of RG-8.