LAW CC NOW FULLY ENCRYPTED, because, you now, PII.
Thanks, Paul. I wonder if this means that we will soon see the Interoperability and Mutual Aid talkgroups go the same route....
Encrypting the MA/Interop channels won't solve the fact that OPD's SWAT isn't full time encrypted lol. I can regularly hear some of them in the clear on it.I have talked with many in law enforcement that have requested to their upper ups they want the mutual channels encrypted. Even the patrol Sgts hate when they have a K9 assist that their encrypted comms all of a sudden become patched to unencrypted talkgroups, and their concern has nothing to do with PII or officer safety. I did hear a story from a cop of an Oceanside SWAT raid a short while back where the suspect had multiple physical scanners set up for each of that agencies talkgroups including the SWAT channel!
Encrypting the MA/Interop channels won't solve the fact that OPD's SWAT isn't full time encrypted lol. I can regularly hear some of them in the clear on it.
Just heard Chula Vista engine 51 say "CLEARED IN ON PD RADIO". Correct me if I am wrong, but CVFD firefighters and paramedics are not CLETS authorized, and cannot legally monitor the encrypted comms? This is the excuse the agencies are giving the media why they are not permittted to allow us access, because only approved law enforcement entities are CLETS authorized.
So the race for Sheriff... I found Martinez' position on decrypting SDSO. Has anyone seen anything from Hemmerling? Most of the other candidates who made public statements regarding it are no longer on the ballot.
As a note, as far as I can tell we’re six months past that interview and they’ve made no changes to provide any more information on the Calls For Service site.“We will be improving it and suggestions are welcome.” She says for “officer safety reasons” they haven’t been able to transmit all data on scanners but said this is a “bridge” while “we’re trying to fix that.”
Give Martinez a chance, she just won the election for Sheriff so will see if she keeps to her word.
She said citizens hearing their comms endangers officers, I don't think you need to wait for unencrypted.
Not the we on this forumLong story short: We did it to ourselves.
Not the we on this forum