BCD436HP/BCD536HP: "Scan Mode, Nothing to Scan"


Premium Subscriber
Jun 11, 2003
St. Louis
You have no sites, you probably HAD them and deleted them.

Thank you for doing the .hpe, took me less than a minute to save,extract,import and find your issue.
Here's a wacko question. How do you access sites for P25 systems in Sentinel BCD356?


Premium Subscriber
Jun 11, 2003
St. Louis
You have no sites, you probably HAD them and deleted them.

Thank you for doing the .hpe, took me less than a minute to save,extract,import and find your issue.
When editing the P25 system, the SITES dropdown list is empty. How do I get them to display?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 1, 2010
Alvin, Texas
NOTHING TO SCAN? I noticed in one of the threads here that someone suggested you set a scanner LOCATION
and that you turn the "Use Location Control" to ON.

Perhaps, based on whatever location you have set, you are physically out of range to receive what you are trying
to receive.

IT IS NOT NECESSARY to even use Location Control at all. I never do! You can ignore that for now
until you get the reception you want. You just need to be sure the scanner is in range of the
site (tower) you want to monitor. Keep it simple at first - don't throw in everything but the
kitchen sink right off the bat.

Using Sentinel you can pick and choose what you want to hear by drilling down like this:
Database - USA - Texas - Harris - County Systems - Texas Wide Area Network (TxWARN).

From there you can create, using Sentinel, a NEW favorites list and you "Append to" that favorites
list from the entities and sites (towers) that are in Sentinel. Play with it and you will get the hang
of it. Learn by doing (and redoing, redoing, redoing ... etc.) Think of it as OJT (on the job training).

One other note - since you are a relatively NEW user to the scanner and to Sentinel, may I suggest
that you FORGET ABOUT the quick keys ( SQK, FLQK, etc.) for the time being. You do NOT need them to
get the scanner receiving. They are easy to add in later. Right now they are just confusing the issue.

Please don't "shoot the messenger" on anything I have said here. I am just trying to keep things simple
enough to get you up and running with scanning what you want to hear. ALL this other exotic stuff
can be added in later.