I am currently a feed provider. I want to change my feed over to the PI3 will it run shoutcast software from command prompt?
I am currently a feed provider. I want to change my feed over to the PI3 will it run shoutcast software from command prompt?
i get this message when i start darknice
DarkIce: DarkIce.cpp:150: no section [general] in config [0]
here is my darkice1.cfg which is at /etc/darkice
[general] #
duration = 0 #
bufferSecs = 10 #
reconnect = yes #
[input] #
device = plughw:1,0 # hw:0,0 then hw:1,0 then hw:2,0 etc
sampleRate = 22050 #
bitsPerSample = 16 #
channel = 1 # 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
[icecast2-0] #
bitrateMode = cbr #
format = mp3 #
bitrate = 16 #
quality = 0.1 #
channel = 1 #
lowpass = 5000 #
sampleRate = 22050 #
server = audio3.broadcastify.com # Your Master Server Name
port = 80 # 80 or 8080
password = dg0mv95t # Your Feed Password
mountPoint = w817d3cxy564 # Your Feed Mount Point (Leave out the "/")
name = ST CLAIR COUNY FIRE # Your Feed Name
ive tried everything
i get this message when i start darknice
DarkIce: DarkIce.cpp:150: no section [general] in config [0]
here is my darkice1.cfg which is at /etc/darkice
[general] #
duration = 0 #
bufferSecs = 10 #
reconnect = yes #
[input] #
device = plughw:1,0 # hw:0,0 then hw:1,0 then hw:2,0 etc
sampleRate = 22050 #
bitsPerSample = 16 #
channel = 1 # 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
[icecast2-0] #
bitrateMode = cbr #
format = mp3 #
bitrate = 16 #
quality = 0.1 #
channel = 1 #
lowpass = 5000 #
sampleRate = 22050 #
server = audio3.broadcastify.com # Your Master Server Name
port = 80 # 80 or 8080
password = dg0mv95t # Your Feed Password
mountPoint = w817d3cxy564 # Your Feed Mount Point (Leave out the "/")
name = ST CLAIR COUNY FIRE # Your Feed Name
ive tried everything
So have been playing for some time now, My problem may just be a hardware problem.
Everything running no errors and when i plug in the cable from scanner to usb cheap dongle(mic input) the scanner screen blanks out and it goes to scan. I can get it to run by at times but when audio comes in or pi boots it blanks out scanner, goes to scan mode and no audio. (if i run through amp no problem. Any ideas?
Thank you DC31, I did not have another scanner as they are mounted in my vehicle. I have just run through small amp and working well.
I now need a little help with getting darkice to run on boot, I am new to coding so go easy. I have tried adding the line in crontab but have been unsuccessful. I am also running TTD.
What model pi are you running and which operating system?
Can you post the line that you are trying in crontab that does't work?
How do you start darkice manually?
Model is a B, twotonedetectv67 can start manually with "darkice or darkice that"
Meanwhile, I have yet to be able to view/edit the Darkice.conf file, in fact it does not show up in the ETC folder which I find real odd. With DarkSnow running, one can not snoop around the files.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsof | grep darkice