How does the Squeezebox stack up to the Acoustic Research
Infinite Radio 200?
The Squeezebox Radio does not have this:
"Get 1 day and 3 day forecasts and alerts delivered on demand via text to speech technology"
However, I have an App. that displays the current and forecast weather for the next three days that you can display with an audio feed.
"Record to 512MB of internal memory for approximately 10 hours of your favorite music"
"Recording available from internet radio or FM radio"
I wish it had the recording abilities.
Since I don't own a Squeezebox I don't know what Scannerbox adds to it that it didn't already have. Can someone outline this for me?
The ScannerBox app lets you browse directly to the RadioReference Live audio links from the menu makes this radio for me, but there are new features for this radio all the time. The full color display is excellent as well. It's going to have a battery pack available shortly for about $50 and includes a remote control.
I might be switching brands if everybody likes the Squeezebox so much, but I read on their support site that it has its own problems, too. What to do?
My initial problems were setup with the existing security settings on my Netlink router, not the radio. Once I got past that, I've been really happy with it.
You AR looks like a good radio, but I also played with the Grace GDI-IR2000, another solid performer and purchased it for my Mother, but I would purchase the Squeezebox radio again.