Many of the states allow you to have a scanner in the car as long as have a Ham License.
The actual wording doesn't address a separate scanner but possession of an amateur radio "capable" of receiving police frequencies.
Many of the states allow you to have a scanner in the car as long as have a Ham License.
Well I know in Canada if you replied yes to that question, you could be charged, as the only real law against it is that it is illegal to have a scanner for the purpose of evading law enforcement. But that is about it up here. You could have a scanner in your car, as I've had no problems so far. But in my area, the cops tend not to pull you over unless you are doing something really illegal mainly because they don't want to have to do the paperwork required after. So you could be driving around with no license plate and they won't pull you over. They will only do anything if they have a speed trap set up, or they had someone call them.I was stopped about 6 months ago by one of our county dep. and when he came up to my window he just said "You have some nice radio equipment, you're not afraid of us are you?" I explained to him that I like knowing what's going on around me. Nothing was said after that but in case he didn't know it is legal for mobile monitoring in WV. I just couldn't help but laugh when I heard all of my info. go across the air.
We all hate to admit it but racism still exist today.
Im telling you 95% police officers in NYC think its illegal to monitur police frequencies. Trying to explain to cops that are rude and have no respect for you while they smirk at you while you talk is NOT an easy job for you to do.
Well I know in Canada if you replied yes to that question, you could be charged, as the only real law against it is that it is illegal to have a scanner for the purpose of evading law enforcement. But that is about it up here. You could have a scanner in your car, as I've had no problems so far. But in my area, the cops tend not to pull you over unless you are doing something really illegal mainly because they don't want to have to do the paperwork required after. So you could be driving around with no license plate and they won't pull you over. They will only do anything if they have a speed trap set up, or they had someone call them.
In Canada, scanners laws are solely under federal durisdiction, so each province cannot create their own set of laws. As in Canada, governments are responsible for specific things. But I have read that "The radio-frequency spectrum is a natural resource to which all Canadians are entitled access." and I use that line when ever anyone questions me about legality of a scanner, since I am 'entitled' to access it.
Radar detectors since they were mentioned in here however, are for some reason under provincal durisdiction, however almost every province that I've been to, they're outlawed.
Ah, one of those cops. I've been stopped by one in Gatineau (across the river from where I live, in Quebec) because I was driving around at 1 AM. But that time I didn't have my scanner because I was out with some friends, so that story is not really important. I think it had more to do with the fact I had an Ontario plate. (As Quebec cops love to pull over Ontario cars)That night I was in the right place at the wrong time. That particular officer was just looking for someone to stop and I happened to be it. Considering that we were the only two vehicles on that road for several miles. I've not had any trouble since and I've been followed and passed by many. Not only am I a ham operator, but a county pub. safey dispatcher as well so I get to talk to them on a daily basis.
Respect.....What it is all about, young man. I too, have LEO's in the family, as well as some hoodlums. I don't think they even know how to use a scanner, never addressed the subject, but for me, I wouldn't be without me ear to the ground. (off the record, dozer, ever do any writing?)
Have you ever been questioned about a scanner by a cop.
this could be in your car, or anywhere else.
This is an interesting topic. I do believe there is a federal law in place somewhere that guarantees the right to receive any radio transmission. I have to dig to find it, but it is there... Federal trumps State.
I'm glad they made it that way. It's only been that way for a few years.
Have you ever been questioned about a scanner by a cop.
this could be in your car, or anywhere else.