SDR# SDR# Plug-in: Frequency Scanner updated


Oct 22, 2015
As good as the original plug-in was, it contained bugs and issues. This was one of them.
Auto skip, Auto Lock and Reset noise floor all used the same timer, the one with the lowest trigger time would be the only one that worked as it would reset the timer after it elapsed. This is why it is now set to only select one at a time. I was going to separate the Reset noise floor as this should be able to be used by itself. (It's on the TODO list)

Clear - can't wait for the newer version :)

Yes, while resetting noise floor (1 selected defined frequencies pass), there will be no stopping on any activity.
If a frequency is active, it will be seen as a point to set the new noise floor. If the frequency stops been active, each pass the scanner makes will slowly adjusted the noise floor to the point where future activity will be detected again.

So the noise floor is a mean of couple "noise floor evaluation" iterations, not just the one during the evaluation - that is why you wrote "slowly"? And by "each pass the scanner makes" in the statement above you meant each pass of "noise floor evaluation" not ordinary scanning between evaluations?

No rounding, this is the problem with the default SDR# 8.33 step size that it accumulative gets worse as it calculates next step.
There is a link in the PDF to a list of 8.33 frequencies the plug-in tunes too. (118.0166 MHz or 118.0416 MHz)
In this plug-in, you use 8.333 as step size and the plug-in calculates the correct frequencies.


If you use a start frequency as 118 MHz and step size of 25 KHz then the scanner scans 118.000 then 118.025 then 118.050 etc..... to end frequency which may not be the actual value entered but will be multiples of step size that is closest to it.
"Channel bandwidth for signal level detection" is something I added (not in vasili's version), in the latest version it uses 'Hz' not %.
Vasili's version uses wider bandwidth than it should and can detect activity out side of the channel bandwidth. This is reason for some of the random stoppages.
Bandwidth is the RF bandwidth of frequency used.
You can scan at 25KHz but the RF bandwidth is 12.5 KHz for narrowbanding plans now in use.
Yes, this plug-in allows you to narrow the bandwidth used to detect activity hopefully avoiding spurs/noise that may exist in the RF channel.

Not clear :) For example - range 225-400 MHz, AM, step 25 kHz and bandwidth 8 kHz and a scanner finds a frequency at 250.000 MHz. Without "Channel bandwidth for signal level detection" enabled the signal will be detected between 250.000+/-12.5kHz (as step) or 250.000+/-4kHz (as bandwidth)? What's the difference here between your plug-in and Vasili's?
I think that when enabled and set for example on 50% of 25kHz = 12.5kHz it will detect the signal in 250.000+/-6.25kHz range.

No, Detect is just the delay in the processing loop.
Will the same value work, don't know try it. I wouldn't get hung up on a number.


I'm sure this version is an improvement over the old version, not sure why people insist on clinging to the old version.

I can speak only for myself. Until the latest version Vasili one was simply faster. I was manage to tune it to about 1 second to scan the Airband and Milair with Detect to 30 and Airspy R2 - and that was the main reason.

P.S. - someone here said about a temporary lockout timer - not temporary from start to stop of a session - but for example locking a frequency after 60 second of activity for next x seconds/minutes (for example two hours). Is it easy or very hard to implement? That would be a welcome feature like in "hardware" Icom or Uniden scanners.



Nov 22, 2016
So the noise floor is a mean of couple "noise floor evaluation" iterations, not just the one during the evaluation - that is why you wrote "slowly"? And by "each pass the scanner makes" in the statement above you meant each pass of "noise floor evaluation" not ordinary scanning between evaluations?
The noise floor is set at start or at timer intervals (if used).
As stated, this set level may contain active frequencies when it first samples the levels.
Then while scanning, it will be adjusted (lowered) on each pass.
So if the frequency no longer has a signal on it, then over each pass the noise floor level will be decreased to the point where a new noise floor is established. On frequencies where no activity is, the noise floor is slowly adjusted to handle the small variations.
As a result, at the start these active frequencies will not be detected until they stop been active and the real noise floor is established again.
This is just how it is when using the dynamic noise floor. (always pros and cons)

Not clear :) For example - range 225-400 MHz, AM, step 25 kHz and bandwidth 8 kHz and a scanner finds a frequency at 250.000 MHz. Without "Channel bandwidth for signal level detection" enabled the signal will be detected between 250.000+/-12.5kHz (as step) or 250.000+/-4kHz (as bandwidth)? What's the difference here between your plug-in and Vasili's?
I think that when enabled and set for example on 50% of 25kHz = 12.5kHz it will detect the signal in 250.000+/-6.25kHz range.
If Use narrow CH bandwidth for signal level detection is disabled then (*1)
If scanner stops on 250.000 and the bandwidth used is 8 KHz, then 249.996-250.004 is evaluated for a signal.
If Use narrow CH bandwidth for signal level detection is enabled and the Hz value is 4000 Hz then
If scanner stops on 250.000 and the bandwidth used is 8 KHz, then 249.998-250.002 is evaluated for a signal.
NOTE: If Hz value is above bandwidth then bandwidth is used.

*1 Vasili version is like this but was using a wider bandwidth than expected resulting in false positives for signal activity.

I can speak only for myself. Until the latest version Vasili one was simply faster. I was manage to tune it to about 1 second to scan the Airband and Milair with Detect to 30 and Airspy R2 - and that was the main reason.

P.S. - someone here said about a temporary lockout timer - not temporary from start to stop of a session - but for example locking a frequency after 60 second of activity for next x seconds/minutes (for example two hours). Is it easy or very hard to implement? That would be a welcome feature like in "hardware" Icom or Uniden scanners.
Probably something I could look into at some point.

Latest version (v2.2.10.0) can be found here: MEGA - Download
Release post here
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Nov 22, 2016
I've just realized that some of these features/changes have not been released yet (i.e Use narrow CH bandwidth for signal level detection)
I've been busy with other things and completely forgot that I hadn't released them.
I have now changed the reset noise floor to work independently at intervals of 1-1440 minutes.

I will try and find time to check over the other things and get a release out (no time frame).
Other things coming:
  • Fix for 'Snap to Grid' usage
  • Use channel analyzer buttons without interrupting the channel analyzer suspend mode (if used)
  • Display/Log CTCSS/DCS (requires updated versions of those plug-ins - also not released yet)

Latest version (v2.2.10.0) can be found here: MEGA - Download
Release post here


Nov 22, 2016
When I last looked at the code for handling SDR# 'Snap to Grid' it looked like it was working OK.
Well it's not. Snap to Grid works horribly with the scanner plug-in.

If the scanner lands on a frequency that is not Snap to Grid aligned, Snap to Grid moves the VFO off the expected frequency.
The scanner will be either be on the wrong frequency or tries to re-tune it, then Snap to Grid will change it again. (this repeats over and over)
This is worst with 8.33 KHz step size as SDR# is always wrong calculating the correct 8.33 KHz frequency.
If this re-tuning occurs on the edges of the visible spectrum, it could cause the (segment) center frequency to change. The plug-in will try and correct this and re-tune the correct (segment) center frequency again. (this will repeat over and over with beeping)

Snap to Grid also is only aligned to .000 so if you use a start offset other than .000 (because frequencies just use a odd spacing) then Snap to Grid is not very useful. e.g. Start: 415.0125 with step size: 25 KHz. The next frequency would be 415.0375 but Snap to Grid sets it to 415.0250.

I think the only thing I will do with Snap to Grid is to store it's state at scan start, and restore it on scan stop.

Latest version (v2.2.10.0) can be found here: MEGA - Download
Release post here


Radio/computer geek
Premium Subscriber
Dec 10, 2015
Snap to Grid also is only aligned to .000 so if you use a start offset other than .000 (because frequencies just use a odd spacing) then Snap to Grid is not very useful. e.g. Start: 415.0125 with step size: 25 KHz. The next frequency would be 415.0375 but Snap to Grid sets it to 415.0250.
Yes, that's something that most software I've used gets wrong – the concept that there is a starting point to an arbitrary band of frequencies that is not necessarily at x.000000 MHz (or an integral multiple of the step size away from it). An example is the hodge-podge that is VHF hi-band in the U.S., which has a number of sub-bands, and some exceptions within them (that can't be dealt with automatically, of course). From a project I'm working on:
StartEndStep (kHz)
150.000 000150.762 50012.5
150.775 000154.452 5007.5
154.456 250154.505 0007.5
154.515 000154.527 5007.5
154.537 500154.537 5000
154.540 000154.600 0007.5
154.610 000154.640 00015.0
154.650 000156.022 5007.5
156.025 000156.237 50012.5
156.030 000156.240 0007.5
156.250 000157.450 00012.5
157.470 000157.740 0007.5
157.770 000158.100 00030
158.122 500158.460 0007.5
158.490 000158.700 00030
158.722 500160.620 0007.5
160.625 000160.962 50012.5
160.627 500160.957 5007.5
160.965 000161.497 5007.5
161.500 000162.025 00012.5
161.505 000161.610 0007.5
162.037 500173.987 50012.5
The Start and End frequencies are the first and last valid channels in the range. Note the varying gaps between the End of one row and the Start of the next. In the last range, there are a handful of 7.5-aligned exceptions as well as some 3.125 kHz, so the largest step in common there would be 0.625 kHz. Note there are overlaps between 12.5 and 7.5 in some other ranges, where 2.5 kHz would be the common step. There are also a bunch of 12.5-aligned exceptions in Alaska generally in the 154.6 to 156.25 range that I did not put in the table. And it's all subject to change, of course. :)


Radio/computer geek
Premium Subscriber
Dec 10, 2015
Snap to Grid also is only aligned to .000 so if you use a start offset other than .000 (because frequencies just use a odd spacing) then Snap to Grid is not very useful. e.g. Start: 415.0125 with step size: 25 KHz. The next frequency would be 415.0375 but Snap to Grid sets it to 415.0250.
Yes, that's something that most software I've used gets wrong – the concept that there is a starting point to a band of frequencies which is not necessarily at x.000000 MHz. An example is VHF hi-band in the U.S., which has a number of sub-bands, and some exceptions within them (that can't be dealt with automatically, of course):
StartEndStep (kHz)
150.000 000150.762 50012.5
150.775 000154.452 5007.5
154.456 250154.505 0007.5
154.515 000154.527 5007.5
154.537 500154.537 5000
154.540 000154.600 0007.5
154.610 000154.640 00015.0
154.650 000156.022 5007.5
156.025 000156.237 50012.5
156.030 000156.240 0007.5
156.250 000157.450 00012.5
157.470 000157.740 0007.5
157.770 000158.100 00030
158.122 500158.460 0007.5
158.490 000158.700 00030
158.722 500160.620 0007.5
160.625 000160.962 50012.5
160.627 500160.957 5007.5
160.965 000161.497 5007.5
161.500 000162.025 00012.5
161.505 000161.610 0007.5
162.037 500173.987 50012.5


Radio/computer geek
Premium Subscriber
Dec 10, 2015
Yes, that's something that most software I've used gets wrong – the concept that there is a starting point to a band of frequencies which is not necessarily at x.000000 MHz. An example is VHF hi-band in the U.S., which has a number of sub-bands, and some exceptions within them (that can't be dealt with automatically, of course):
StartEndStep (kHz)
150.000 000150.762 50012.5
162.037 500173.987 50012.5
[apparently I left this part out]:
The Start and End frequencies are the first and last valid channels in the range. Note the varying gaps between the End of one row and the Start of the next.

In the last range, there are a handful of 7.5-aligned exceptions as well as some 3.125 kHz, so the only thing in common there would be 0.125 kHz.

Note there are overlaps between 12.5 and 7.5 in some other ranges, where 2.5 kHz would be the common step.

There are also a bunch of 12.5-aligned exceptions in Alaska generally in the 154.6 to 156.25 range that I did not put in the table.

And it's all subject to change, of course.


Oct 22, 2015
As Frequency Scanner with Airspy Mini/R2 is CPU demanding, does somebody have a setup that is really mobile? For example to use it in a car or at an airshow?


May 12, 2020
Hello to you all

I'm using 1716 and 1732 versions still, because these are the last ones that do their work as I want them to.
Last Frequency Scanner plugin (thewraith2008) does a good (no: a fantastic) job there. Also the Accessibility plugin (Edward McDonald, thank you a 1000 times) still works in these versions (but is not stable, tnx to the new SDR# ideas). There are more plugins, like the Short-Wave Info (one of the sources for my Frequency lists) and the Night Mode plugin (with Bottom Toolbar). I only use that Bottom option and the plugin itself is not stable, tnx to the new SDR# ideas too. So for now (and already a while) I will stay with these ones. Oh, did I mention the Magic Eye and the Colorizer plugin..? (looks fancy eh...)

For a large part of the VHF band (146 MHz up to 172 Mhz) I use tuning step 2.5 k as a grid for a while. That is because here in NL/Europe it is a mashed up list of frequencies too. In NL we have Church transmissions (Kerktelefoon) in some parts of the VHF band (25 k).
For Aquanautic freq's it once was 50 k, now it is 25 k. In Scandinavia a part of the VHF band is used for Jakt Radio (10 k), Sikrings Radio (25 k) and Skogs Radio (37.5 k). Then there is ISM, Alarming, Trackers (I put them on 2.5 k for now). Also some Dutch communication channels f.i. Loonwerk have 10 k and 12.5 k channels in use. Former (?) Rail Road worker frequencies were 20 k.
The 3.125 k step channels I haven't seen yet here (...), but still there is so much more to explore.

First I have used SDR# with 1 k tuning grid steps, but that was a real crime when using my tuning knob (it is a large tuning knob). That's why nowadays I use the 2.5 k steps in that part of the band, because that's what most of the VHF channels have in common. Scanning with that step size takes a lot of time too, but that is done automatically... ;-)
When the real step size is confirmed, then I skip it in the Frequency Scanner plugin screen and make adaptions to my Band Plan file for manual tuning. And indeed, bands don't start exactly on frequencies ending with xxx.000000 and there are still some frequency gaps I don't know the useage of.

So my Bandplan and Frequencylist are and will be a work in progress. Looking at it the optimistic way, makes that they still can be used in the new SDR# versions.
I have removed my lists from my internet site :confused: because of all the messages I got about being more actual and correcting items.
But it was a free service from me and not a job on it's own :rolleyes: so now it's removed.

Wishing you al a Happy New Year and Stay Safe.

More info:
(EN): SDR-Sharp software en USB receiver (dongle) - Zendamateur.COM


Nov 22, 2016
This is a update v2.2.12.0 to the great Frequency Scanner plug-in for SDR#.

Please note the addition of a 2nd DLL requirement for this plug-in now.
Failure to install it will result in plug-in not starting in SDR# or errors been thrown.
NOTE: This DLL may already be installed as it has been used by some of Vasili's other plug-ins in the past.

This plug-in version adds/changes and fixes some items:
Code: - Release

Added: Code to receive a detected CTCSS/DCS value from the CTCSS or DCS Decoder plug-ins (v1.3.2.0+)
Fixed: FilterBandwidth updating
Changed: 'Reset noise floor' to use it's own timer
Added: Timer with adjustable interval [1-1440 mins] to purge temporary lockouts
Fixed: 8.33 channel selector
Fixed: SDR# step size control was not been set correctly in older SDR#
Changed: '8.33 KHz selector' and '8.33 KHz channel name' while scanning
Added: A narrow bandwidth option for signal detection
Fix: Update scaling (filter width) value when each segment is changed
Added: Store/Restore SDR# option 'Snap to Grid' state on start/stop
Changed: Use of the SDR# option 'Step size' or 'Step'
- When scanner stops on active frequency it will updated to the current step size.
Changed: MouseEnter/Leave channel analyser when using auto suspend draw
Changed: Frequency activity list switch to frequency feature
- This action is is now blocked while scanning as I don't see the point in it as the frequency will just
   change when scanning.

see changelog.txt for more details

Documentation has been created to help with it's installation and usage, please read it.
NOTE: Support is not guaranteed. Especially if the answers are contained in the documentation or on this forum.

I have tried to be as thorough as possible with the documentation to explain usage and features.
I believe any questions can be answered by reading this documentation.
This documentation most likely is not complete and may contain errors and is not laid out as good as it could be.

No real testing has been done with the newer SDR# from v1717 and above (but does work with v1838 at time of writing)
Main testing has been done with SDR# 1700.
NOTE: SDR# has been going through some changes (1732+) and it's new features may see this plug-in play up.

NOTE: To use the CTCSS/DCS feature, you are required to update the CTCSS and DCS plug-ins to v1.3.2.0+. (use same link below)

NOTE: Use 7zip or WinRAR to extract files from the .7z file and read the .PDF file for installation and usage of files with SDR#.
NOTE: Don't select the Download as ZIP option in MEGA, just select standard download.

HASH: 22fea00c04256044cb5fe63433016b05


Apr 23, 2016
Hi thewraith2008

Frequency Scanner is wonderful, thank you. It really is a "force multiplier". If however you are red / green colourblind then the darkred and green in the channel analyser are completely indistinguishable. Would you consider please adding functionality to help those 8% of the male population either by allowing us to adjust the colours for the six categories of lockout state and presence in Frequency Manager or choose colour blind safe ones? It would make a great bit of software perfect.

Many thanks


Sep 13, 2021
Hello. Thanks for the update.
Added: Store/Restore SDR# option 'Snap to Grid' state on start/stop
restores only to 12.5 kHz regardless of which step was set before. (translated by google)


Jan 6, 2017
Can't wait to try this. Will the new CTCSS functionality exposed to the scanner plugin also allow the use of [Tone] parameter to determine the filename for audio recordings via audio recorder plugin?

i.e. if scanner lands on 160.500 (97.3) could I capture the tone to write the file to something like C:\somepath\recs\160.500-97.3-myalphatext.wav


Feb 16, 2014
Europe, Czech Republic
Can't wait to try this. Will the new CTCSS functionality exposed to the scanner plugin also allow the use of [Tone] parameter to determine the filename for audio recordings via audio recorder plugin?

i.e. if scanner lands on 160.500 (97.3) could I capture the tone to write the file to something like C:\somepath\recs\160.500-97.3-myalphatext.wav

It doesn't write the tone to filename but it writes it to logfile created by scanner plugin.
It is enough to identify the station as you match the correct recording by time and frequency. Of course the tone parameter in the filename could help even more, but this would require updating also the recording plugin.
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