just received my 200 a few hours ago. if i put my head right at the bottom of the front of the scanner, i can hear a faint hiss. not bothersome if sitting away from the scanner. luckily. ONE THING, scared the heck out of me. i updated firmwar and loaded everything. got her running and it seemed to keep shutting off. i was like, crap, i will have to send it back. then i remembered, there is a display light timer, that was what it was. the screen was shutting OFF, and when she shuts off, it is OFF. black. that was the problem. i notice i have to run her near 3/4 full volume. similar to my 996P2. is there an adjustment for volume besides the volume knob? she seems to pick up as well as my 436, so i am happy about that. so far, so good. UPDATE more later.