SDS200 background noise finally resolved by UNIDEN?

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Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Well "Joe", since you can't seem to get any sort of an answer, all we can do is approximate when the "design change" was done. Since I own 4, and 3 of them are silent when no activity is present, I could give a pretty good educated guess, which seems a tad better that what you're being told.

You see "Joe", people are asking a very good question and being dismissive doesn't seem to restore confidence. So.."chasing our tails" seems to be the only attempt to answer the question.

While we're at it, how's that new firmware going? Seems to be a alot of inferences on the Scanner Master You Tube show to a Home Patrol 3. Maybe all this "helping you help us" was all for a new model? What's going on "Joe"? Time to level with the Radio Reference folks :unsure:

You seem to have missed my point. Let me try again.

Yes, you might be able to make a decent guess based on 'there have been no reports of the hum after SN X. That assumes any reports are the same issue and not a different one.

However, since not all units have the issue, you can easily say it's cured after X when X is not close to when it was solved. For example, I have a very early unit that has no hum. That does not mean it was solved before that one was made. Likewise, any educated guess (or estimate) is still an estimate.

As far as levelling, I believe I have tried to be as upfront as I can be short of making demands on HQ that would not go over well.

There is no "can't seem to" about it. I have mentioned more than once I asked and was not given an answer other than 'we are not releasing that info". I have also stated as upfront as I can that I do not know the answer.

That is not being dismissive. That is being upfront and honest.

How is the new firmware going? Well, I am very soon going to ask again for some engineering time. There may be a lull coming up soon when I know they are not working on something specific.\

For now, the HomePatrol 3 is a rumor only. It may happen. It may not happen. As of this moment I do not know. There are some compelling reasons for making one, but on the other hand I don't want it to be made in place of fixing the list of issues. It is no doubt a discussion that will be coming up at some point.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
If he was in the position he claims to be, no doubt he could do a little leg work and find out. The "they won't tell me" excuse isn't an appropriate response.

I have done all the leg work I care to do. I asked. I was told no. I *will not* go over HQ's head to try to find an answer they do not want me knowing let alone passing on. Can I make that any more clear? Please accept the answer they gave me. I have.

Everyone has a boss. Going over their head never works out well for anyone.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Yes, there's always a new product on the horizon, and I will bet dollars to doughnuts that that new product won't be "perfect" out of the start line.

As much as I would like to take that bet..... but I expect it will be close. (short of the complaints 'why does it not have feature x?'


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
I have no idea if UPMan had access to that information and I was a beta tester for him in the mid-2000s.

Does Joe have the ability to "order" recalls from distributors and then provide them with replacement units? I think not.

To clarify, I do not.

As close as I can come is to recommend a recall or a production change as I did with the hum issue. That usually involves a discussion and HQ beings up their points. Sometimes I get replies that things were changed. Sometimes I don't.

I also do not have access to the distributor contact list let alone have contact with them. That is on the sales side which, while I think I know the guy in charge of sales, I am not even certain of that.

This is not much different from me being asked to contact Uniden in Australia or Europe. I do not have those contacts either. In the case if one of those, I did ask.

As far as Paul speaking Japanese, I do not know. I suspect he knew some, but I don't know how much. He went to Japan several times. I have not so far.

Very early on I actually did ask the engineers in Japan something directly. HQ politely, but firmly, asked that I not do that again unless asked something directly by the engineers.

Usually the way it works is: I ask HQ, they ask the engineers, and they CC me in that reply. Sometimes it is in English. Sometimes I use a tool called Google Translate.

Now, how does ALL this affect the firmware updates? I've been playing nice to use my favors for those fixes which will benefit many more users than say knowing a cutoff ESN. I don't want to burn a favor on that - especially when it's already been made clear they don't want me knowing that answer.

I would love to be able to answer any and all questions. But it is not my decision.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
I have done all the leg work I care to do. I asked. I was told no. I *will not* go over HQ's head to try to find an answer they do not want me knowing let alone passing on. Can I make that any more clear? Please accept the answer they gave me. I have.

Everyone has a boss. Going over their head never works out well for anyone.

I know it's Wednesday now...LOL! You see "Joe", I like my SDS scanners, also own two 536's that yacking along with my 4 SDS200's right in front of me, so they're all working. However, when a question is asked about the well/over documented hum, and some of us try and answer with the only method we have in front of us (serial numbers), it's probably not a bad way to gauge when the issue was resolved. I don't consider any helpful hints as "chasing our tails" when a "Uniden Representative" claims that they won't tell him. might not me 100% full proof, and yes their might be early production models problem free, good chance that you get a 2020/2021 production model , you shouldn't have that issue. Wouldn't that be a fair and unscientific approach to this?

Unlike the cold solder joint issue on the SDS100's, a timeframe can be estimated as to when a design change was implemented. This might cause potential owners hesitation, fearful they're going to have this dreaded hum (which I can say 1 of 4 of my SDS200's has a minor hum, but only noticeable if the room is silent, which is a rare occurrence). In a round about way "Joe", we (the SDS200 owners), can "help you" by giving you something to go back to the bosses that seem to treat you as second class. You're current and future customers are here, and failure to restore confidence in a product is a terrible sales approach.

Good talk Voyager, catch you next Wednesday before your Scanner Guys appearance... :LOL:
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 23, 2004
About to check my new SDS200 for the Hum.

The S/N on the back of the unit shows: 384Z18004471.

What would the Mfg year be for that unit, and would it have the Hum mitigation?

Thanks !
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
Hi All.

I recently bought an SDS200 from MTC and have not opened the box yet.

But on the outside there is a sticker that show "S/N 18004471".

What would the Mfg year be for that unit, and would it have the Hum mitigation?

Thanks !

Looks like 2021 in Vietnam. No way for anyone here to know with 100% certainty if the jumper cable was installed on that unit. The product manager wasnt told of the year or serial numbers when the modification took place from what he's telling us. Open it up, plug it in and you'll know the answer.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
Hi All.

I recently bought an SDS200 from MTC and have not opened the box yet.

But on the outside there is a sticker that show "S/N 18004471".

What would the Mfg year be for that unit, and would it have the Hum mitigation?

Thanks !
Mfg date would be 2021. There were no dates or serial numbers given by Uniden as to when the production was modified. It was noted in a post dated 11/10/2021 that the problem was addressed, but no information was available as to exactly when.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 23, 2004
I plugged the SDS200 in and don't hear anything super loud.... BUT.... I do hear a slight "whine" from the speaker.

Is that what is usually described as the "Hum" ?

BTW... the complete S/N on back of unit is: 384Z18004471


Feb 6, 2022
Hi all. I added the jagged washers with sharp teeth under the screw heads and it's working perfectly. No hum.
Thank you very very much.

I had to take off 4 more screws than the ones that appears in the images, but I could fix it.
When I opened it I saw it had installed the NMP200, but the hum was there.

Thank you again.


Sep 11, 2002
Its all about poor grounding. Not to bash Uniden but they should have fixed this when it first appeared. Its a basic poor design repair in industry. NOTE: Uniden is not the only manufacturer guilty of this. Once an issue is identified. The solution is basic. Redo all grounds by either strapping them or making sure that the mounting screws are all electrically 'solid'. Unfirtunaly the attitiude of what is the minimum we can do to fix the problem prevails. The service department is more interested in get it in get, it out in order to keep costs down. This is why obvious things like star washers are omitted. It takes time to unscrew the screws clean the pad place a washer and reinstall the screw. Usually all that is done if at all is the screw is loosened and retightened in the hopes the friction cleans the pads.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Only the Uniden UPM can answer that for sure.

Not really. It was around two years ago (I think) that I recommended the change to fix the issue. As for which it was completely fixes will rely upon user reports which seem to have dropped dramatically, so I suspect it is fixed.


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
The assembly line only have to add jagged washers with sharp teeth under the screw heads to dig through the film overlay. They can do that today without having to wait for the design change to the film overlay. They could also take the modification they are doing now with a wire soldered to an eyelet and instead use that inside the head and solder to a component leg that are grounded to the circuit board and the eyelet under one of the screws that holds the circuit board, to ground it to the chassi.


No need if the manufacturing mod I recommended was made. (basically the SD fix - only to never allow the issue to exist in the first place).


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Sorry - I did not realize someone resurrected a two-year-old thread. I also don't know why RR is showing posts I already read. It used to only show new ones.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Not really. It was around two years ago (I think) that I recommended the change to fix the issue. As for which it was completely fixes will rely upon user reports which seem to have dropped dramatically, so I suspect it is fixed.
Is there anyone at Uniden who actually overseas the production of the radio that could simply answer that question?

I understand that the exact time that it was rectified or the serial number of the first radio off the line that was corrected would never be released for obvious reasons.

Is there anyone at Uniden that holds a position where they could take a recent SDS 200, latest in production being shipped to vendors that could take a screwdriver and open up the radio and look see? Again, giving a definitive answer. Maybe it's not the SD repair but a jumper wire or other ground that would be visible.

Also, if the problem has been permanently corrected there would no longer be the need for the expense of, and the time spent, inserting the mitigation device. Could someone at Uniden look and see if one of these newer models recently produced still has the mitigation device? Why would it still be needed if the problem was permanently repaired?

If a recent radio off the production line has no hum whatsoever and does not have a mitigation device that would answer the question definitively, beyond suspicion.


Sep 11, 2002
I am a long time fan of Uniden equipment. We all understand the position Joe is in. He can only repeat what he as been told. There is no doubt that he is being honest when he says the problem has been fixed to the best of his knowledge. I think we all would like to see a bit more transparency from Uniden on the issue. Even a service bulletin stating the nature of the fix would be a huge step in customer support.

The issue seems to be that the noise still exists in some units to greater or lesser degree. As a experienced service person :) I can see how isolating the exact cause can be difficult. There is also evidence that the noise may actually be two or more issues with separate causes. Many of the users with the issue are not techs. They can only describe what they are experiencing with the all the issues being bundled into the general category of the noise complaint.

I am of the opinion that many want to buy the units. They are the best scanner on the market, again in my opinion. The price is not a over riding concern. Many are worried that they will have the/a noise issue and wish to avoid it.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Seriously, what does it matter? Also, opening the box, opening the case to "look inside" makes it not "new" anymore.. At best, it's open box.

And finally, @JoeBearcat has said (several times), that he was told it was fixed.

If you think he's lying, then just don't buy one.
Yesterday, he said that he "suspected" that it was fixed by the lack of complaints, nobody is saying anything about lying. I was just going by what he said yesterday.

Yes of course it would open the radio and make it a used radio, that's why you would want to do it at Uniden, by a representative from Uniden. I would never expect a vendor or the average user to take the radio apart and confirm that it has been repaired and that there is no longer a mitagation device.

If it was done at Uniden, that radio could be used to replace a radio that is unrepairable or has been sent in for the same problem numerous times, but still on warranty.

I am not in the market for an SDS 200 but certainly have owned several of them. The one I have now has been repaired permanently and is a great radio.

Was just looking for a solution to the original posters question. Not looking for a fight lol.

I can see that it's still a sensitive topic but it doesn't affect me. Just making a suggestion to definitively answer the question.
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Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Is there anyone at Uniden that holds a position where they could take a recent SDS 200, latest in production being shipped to vendors that could take a screwdriver and open up the radio and look see? Again, giving a definitive answer. Maybe it's not the SD repair but a jumper wire or other ground that would be visible.

Also, if the problem has been permanently corrected there would no longer be the need for the expense of, and the time spent, inserting the mitigation device. Could someone at Uniden look and see if one of these newer models recently produced still has the mitigation device? Why would it still be needed if the problem was permanently repaired?

If a recent radio off the production line has no hum whatsoever and does not have a mitigation device that would answer the question definitively, beyond suspicion.
I don't see why some curious customer could not do the same. Asking engineering like that is very much discouraged.

I also do not know if they made a change to remove the mitigation device, as that could add a second layer of protection against the core issue (hum). I did not ask them to remove that, so it may still be there.
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